Wednesday, May 21, 2014

We're all just taller children.

I've often toyed with the idea of having multiple dolls of the same character.  Whether if it was different versions of the same, or perhaps at different ages/stages of life.  I love what VampireAngel_13 for example has done with all her Alexes, or yldenfrei with pretty much her (his?) whole crew.  However my attempts have largely failed to come to fruition.  I tried with Uri, but it just didn't end up working out.  The versions never ended up connecting well enough to the original, and I eventually sold the doll.  

But I've been thinking of doing this for a while with Emmanuel (Ghost), as he seems to be a character that is really alive for me.  Even more than Uri is, which is saying something.  I think in part it's because of how much work I've done on his story/character for my Nanowrimo work, but he's also just a very interesting individual.  

So I put out a bit of a feeler to see if anyone had a Shulze/Maria head, which is the msd version of School A.  No bites thus far, but I'll see what happens.  Then I had a random idea about a doll I haven't looked at in forever.  She is a Luts KDF Aru I purchased from the company a few years ago.  She was going to be the "last doll" (a la The Little Princess), but obviously that didn't happen.  I loved her dreaming face and beautiful face up, and thought I'd take her out to look at. Unfortunately when I went to my storage unit I realized a large, dirty box had been placed on top of where she was being stored.  I'd had her unstrung and wrapped up on top of a box so I could come grab her, and unfortunately her face up got damaged.  

But I grabbed the head anyway and put it on my Volks SDC body for kicks.  No color match and the proportions weren't quite right, but she did make a good boy.  On a whim I tried it on Nowell's body's an amazingly good match.  Which is seriously weird.  The msd body is an old, yellowed white skin body, and the head is normal skin.  Yet somehow, it actually works.  So I wiped the face up, and put his head on the body.  Poof, mini Ghost.

I'm going to keep my WTB up for a Shulze/Maria as I wouldn't mind having a middle version on the SDC body.  But I think Aru makes a really good boy, and a perfect mini Ghost.  I did also dig out my pastels, so I might actually be able to do face ups for everyone this weekend.  Now to find my brushes...

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