24. How willing are you to kill your characters if the plot so demands it? What's the most interesting way you've killed someone?
I've only killed off one character, and it was in a side story from Paks' world. He died protecting his friends from a zombie mob, pulling the pin of a grenade and running towards them at the last second. However I've never really had to kill of a character otherwise, so I'm not sure.
25. Do any of your characters have pets? Tell us about them.
Some of my characters are pets so...lol. Uri used to have some hell hounds, but he left those with his seat in Hell. Currently he befriends the occasional cat, but doesn't have a continuous animal. Arte owns a pack of hounds (various breeds), which she personally breeds and trains.
26. Let's talk art! Do you draw your characters? Do others draw them? Pick one of your OC's and post your favorite picture of them!
I do draw them, some more than others. Daemon and Nowell for example get drawn frequently, but I have yet to find a good way to draw Uri. The "El" face is very particular, and I haven't been able to conquer it yet. Alas I don't have any art uploaded, nor anyway to upload it, so that will have to wait.
27. Along similar lines, do appearances play a big role in your stories? Tell us about them, or if not, how do you go about designing your characters?
I'm not sure how appearances couldn't be important to character design and stories. All of my characters are very tied to their appearance. Sometimes their appearance reinforces things already stated in the writing, such as age, gender, or species. Other times appearances illustrate things I don't directly write about, or perhaps only hint at. Daemon's scars for example, they add to his developed storyline, but even on their own contribute to the mystery and danger of him.
28. Have you ever written a character with physical or mental disabilities? Describe them, and if there's nothing major to speak of, tell us a few smaller ones.
The main character I can think of with disabilities, is Dru, who is in the very least mentally scrambled. Her intense synaesthesia and disconnect between angel and human forms causes her to be fundamentally insane. She could almost be considered schizophrenic given her presentation, but there is obviously other reasons than legitimate mental illness for her condition. It's interesting to write her because of this, I have to approach things differently.
29. How often do you think about writing? Ever come across something IRL that reminds you of your story/characters?
Every day, several times a day. I carry a notebook with me everywhere that is specially set aside for writing. I also take advantage of the computers at work to jot down information when it comes to me. I find that everyday life frequently influences my writing. Sometimes it's just being in a situation that I wonder how my characters would deal with. With most of them embodied in doll form, it's actually very easy to find inspiration everywhere we go. My mind is always open for bits of stories or details inspired by real life. For example, I was working on some Christmas jewelry this week and suddenly got an intense inspiration for Nowell's new story. Instantly it all fell into place as if it was already written. :)
30. Final question! Tag someone!
Anyone who wants to try this!
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