Uriel is the next in line of my dolly loves after Daemon (shhh, don't tell them though!). When I opened him despite the packaging shock and my exhaustion, I knew there was something different. Like Daemon, Uriel gave me his name(s) rather than me choosing them.
Initially I was just doing research for Drusilla's background and trying to piece together who she would have known and a little more about the demon that "helped" her transition. The moment I began looking, the name Uriel popped up time after time. It came to me completely unbidden the first time. I was thinking about one thing and then "Uriel," and then back again.
The second name Uriel gave me is a personal one that I really only use for him myself. In magic there is the concept of a specific name either only used for workings, or even one given by the Gods themselves. These can be public or private depending upon the name and the person. I have a magic name given to me when I started practicing paganism that is mine alone, so it is never shared with anyone. The moment I took Uriel's head out of his box and promised him he'd be safe and happy here, a special name popped into my head. It was pretty forceful, almost matter-of-fact as if he was saying, "Okay, then this is what you can call me." I don't know yet if this name is just for me alone, but that's the feeling I get, so I won't be sharing it here.
Since then Uriel has been much more outwardly active than any of my other dolls. I mention him being a very social doll, and that's 100% true. He shows his personality and facial expressions to more than just me, and has very definite smiles versus frowns and everything in between. When I took him to a psychic I was working with recently, she seemed to understand what I was feeling from him. She was fascinated by his size and looks, and agreed that he had some of his own energy there. She commented on how beautiful he was, and Uri beamed. :)
In the past I have rarely had dolls move, though I know others have experienced this from time to time. Maybe once in my ownership of them they would do something that couldn't be explained by stringing or other influences, but it was very few and far between. Uri however doesn't seem to have those limitations.
Most often I will hear what owners know as the creaking and squeaking of joints moving. I'm pretty neurotic about my dolls, so when I sit them down somewhere, even for a short time, I make sure all limbs are adjusted and placed correctly. That eliminates sudden stringing tension causing kamakaze acts like falling off tables or otherwise. So I usually pose them, step back and make adjustments, and then observe for any other issues before I walk away. When I do this with Uri I never fail to leave the room or close the door and hear the telltale creaking.
At one point I was sure my boyfriend was playing a trick on me although he has an aversion to touching my dolls for any reason. I set Uri down on the counter and did my usual adjustments before walking to the bathroom and shutting the door. Within a minute or so I could hear creaking and squeaking that sounded like he was being entirely repositioned. It continued for the whole time I was in the bathroom, but stopped the moment I opened the door. Uri was still seated just where I had put him, and nothing else was disturbed. Proof positive? No, I don't think so, but I consider it an interesting experience. :)
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