Next up in our series of well-known creepy dolls is Anabelle, the possessed rag doll. Any of you who are familiar with Ed and Lorraine Warren from their own careers or perhaps their involvement in the Amityville Horror case might also know about Anabelle. For those who don't though be warned, it is quite creepy!
Anabelle was a birthday gift to Donna from her mother, and was intended to be a rustic accent for the apartment which she shared with friends Lou and Angie. Not long after the doll arrived however the two women began to notice strange things happening. The doll would constantly have been moved from whatever position they left it in upon departing in the morning. This ranged from legs crossed versus uncrossed to the doll moving to completely different rooms, and even kneeling on one occasion (which the doll couldn't do unaided!). Handwritten notes would pop up around the apartment saying things like "help us."
Intrigued, the women contacted a medium. The medium informed them that the spirit of a young girl was haunting their home, and played with the doll to get their attention. Through the medium Anabelle asked if she could "move into" the doll, to which the women said yes.
Later when the Warrens came to investigate because of the intense phenomenon, they were horrified to know that the women agreed to that. Ed explained that such manifestations were far beyond the scope of any ghost, rather that they were dealing with demon. A demon that the women had given permission to obtain a physical body.
Seeking to help the women, the Warrens called in a priest who assisted them in an exorcism of the apartment. They also took Anabelle with them, and on the journey home experienced a great deal of car problems that could have been detrimental. Finally Ed threw holy water on the doll and made the sign of the cross over it and they were able to continue unhindered. This scene repeated itself with a priest friend of the Warrens' who had challenged the doll and subsequently got into a very dangerous car accident.
The activity continued in varying forms, and to this day Anabelle has never been relieved of her demonic companion. She is kept as part of of the Warrens' museum and tours around to various events.
You can check out the Warrens' site here. And an article on Anabelle here.
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