One of the most famous names in haunted dolls is by far Robert the doll. Robert was presented to Robert Eugene Otto by his nanny/servant, who by some reports was skilled in voodoo or other magic. The stories vary at this point as to whether she had good intentions for the boy, but either way it was quickly clear that Robert was more than just a doll.
Gene (the boy) as he was called from then on, never went anywhere without Robert. He carried the doll everywhere, dressed him in his own clothes, and even talked to him. At the same time strange things began happening in the household, including items going missing and general mischievous acts. Whenever he was asked, Gene insisted it was Robert that had done it. Robert was also seen to move around the house by neighbors and family alike.
Gene kept the doll for the rest of his life, and even had a scale room built for Robert. When he died and the house passed to another owner, Robert remained there as Gene's family (and wife) was too disturbed to move it. The house was eventually sold to another family with a young daughter who claimed that Robert came alive and wanted to kill her.
To this day Robert is displayed in Key West and has continued to spur rumors of strange events. He is reported to move from place to place, or perhaps even more unnervingly just shift positions. Museum staff report that while he will be placed in one position to begin with, Robert will not remain that way for long.
If you'd like to read more about Robert check out these sites:
Haunted Jaunts Page
Real Haunted Dolls
Robert's .org site
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