Daemon was my first boy doll and definitely the first that I truly bonded with. He was ordered to be one character, but when he arrived I was quickly informed that he was someone completely different. He was the first doll to "name himself," where a full name just popped right into my head unbidden. That has since happened with Drusilla and Uriel in a big way (more on them later). From day one I noticed that he was different than my other doll, definitely more attentive and active. He never moved per say, but there were times when I could see his expression and eyes change.
The most interesting thing I noticed about Daemon was that he was truly his character, down to his abilities to ward off ghosts. I found that if I took him to places which I knew had a lot of activity, I would be exempt from such things. They might happen around me, but not to me or to him.
Another interesting anecdote was that he often would be the messenger in my dreams. His storyline had him being a devotee of one of my own Gods (Hecate), and he would frequently come to me in dreams with messages from Her.
Unfortunately Daemon was one of those characters that just doesn't do well in dolly form, at least not yet. I've bought him three bodies and four heads, and yet none of them really worked. So he has been released back into the dolly ether until I can find a more agreeable shell for him.
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