The Written Word
Le Femme Sorciere
Uriel 1
Resinality Writing Prompts
At Wits End: Of Men and Monsters
You Are the Moon
The Haunted Vessel: Introduction, Origin, Robert the Doll, Paratainment, Anabelle the Doll, Objects, Blue Mary, Symbols, Island of the Dolls, Carl Tanzler and the Human Doll, Okiku Doll, Voodoo Doll/Poppets, Daemon, Uriel, Uriel II, Uriel III, Dresden, Fumiko, Stewardship, James Dean's "Little Bastard," Paratainment II, Anatoly Moskvin,
Reviews: MCR Party Poison Jacket, Blueblood Doll Eyes, Unstrung Hero BJD.