Active Dolls
Inactive Dolls
Soval (Custom Resinsoul Gang)
Soval is a Vulcan, based primarily in the reboot (Chris Pine) universe of Star Trek. He is a somewhat distant cousin of Spock's and while the two were friendly, they tended to avoid each other as they didn't want to add to each others' "oddness" by Vulcan standards. Soval's parents loved each other dearly, and eventually distanced themselves from current Vulcan practices regarding emotion. He bore this "blight" relatively well, himself believing in some pre-reform ideas. Soval is a gifted psychic healer, and was greatly in demand after the destruction of Vulcan. He eventually left the new Vulcan colony after some disagreements regarding the treatment of his patients, and ended up serving alongside his cousin on the Enterprise. Soval has custom "Mei" style ears and green resin.
Aubrey (Volks SD Megu)
Aubrey is a noble vampire around 400-ish years old. She and her husband Etienne head a large vampire coven, and are both members of the highest circle of vampire elite. In life she was a spitfire fan of literature who longed for a life beyond marrying well. As a vampire she's just as stubborn and strong willed, with even more physical strength to back it up. She is known as the "little bitch" by both those who despise her and those who praise her. Many liken her to a female wolf for her ruthlessness. Aubrey is still a great fan of literature, music, and fashion. She tends to wear things that will play up her "innocent" appearance as a way to manipulate people's preconceived notions.
Coming Soon
Auren (Fairyland Minifee VE Woosoo, WS)
Tentatively named.
Inactive Dolls

Emmanuel Bishop (Dollshe Bernard)
Emmanuel is one of the youngest children of the large, almost fanatically religious Bishop family. Their father is the most recent in a line of clergymen, and they take care of the local church and attached graveyard. Emmanuel was born with a veil over his face, which means he is able to see an interact with the spirit world. His story begins in his small home town, and moves on from there as he explores the world.

September (Volks School A head on a SD13 body)
September is a werewolf originally from Louisiana who currently resides in Jamaica Plain, MA. He houses a cast of characters (and/or the strangest "pack" you've ever seen), and runs a paranormal investigation agency. He is close with Emmanuel.
Uriel (Uri, Uriel the Lesser, Beloved) CP Delf El