Friday, January 18, 2013

The Haunted Vessel: Symbols

Symbols, like names, can be very important in magic workings.  They can be used for any number of purposes, from stating a name to protection.  The symbol may be painted, carved, tattooed, or otherwise marked, but it's meaning remains the same.

I have a protective symbol tattooed on my chest, a picture of which I posted here before.  In my practice it's associated with the goddess Hecate (Greek goddess of the crossroads, magic, and spirits among other things).  I used it as protection from all that goes bump in the night, and for the occasional magical working here and there.

On one of the supernatural doll stories threads on DoA, a conversation began about marking dolls.  One girl said that each of her dolls had two marks, one general protection symbol and one more specific to them.  Others discussed the notion that because dolls are empty* it's a good idea to mark them to protect from possession.

Up unto this point I had occasionally marked dolls with tattoos or sometimes with jewelry, for example Uri has a scale pentacle.  But I like permanent marks, especially when it comes to the paranormal (less room for error), so I decided to mark my boys.  Uri and Nowell now both have matching marks to the tattoo I have on my chest.  I modified theirs slightly to add another piece, so it basically looks like an equal arms cross
(another Hecate symbol) descending into the Grecian key I have.  I did it with a small exacto knife, so the marks are thin but definitely there.  If I wanted to I could blush them, but I think I like them as is.

*Dolls are considered "soulless" vessels in many cultures/religions. Some suggest that a doll could over time gain a soul, by magic or by intense love/involvement of their owner.  Others use dolls as protection against wandering spirits. If a spirit comes calling, it would be more likely to possess the empty vessel than a child.

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