Wednesday, August 25, 2010

In the beginning...

I was never a doll person as a child. Give me stuffed animals or plastic ponies, but keep those dolls away! I had one baby doll I played with on occasion, and owned several truly evil porcelain dolls (really, who gives those to a young child?), but that was it. I would occasionally play with Barbies at a friends house, but to put it simply, I just didn't get it. Now I look back on that and laugh. Here I am surrounded by my doll collection and I'm "not a doll person."

While I didn't like the dolls themselves, doll stories of the mythological or ghostly variety have always fascinated me. Perhaps it was the influence of the aforementioned porcelain dolls that made it so easy to believe they had their own mind. Certainly when I was younger I would swear they moved during the twilight times, despite any actual evidence. So later when I read that dolls were often used as vessels to trap spirits, it wasn't really a stretch.

For me dolls are vessels as well, but of a different variety. Every piece of art has its own "soul" that the maker bestows upon it in the act of creation. This goes for dolls as well, perhaps especially because they are so empty to begin with. I know that my own dolls embody their "souls" in a very evident way when I create for them, and it is that embodiment I hope to share through this blog. Feel free to click around and check out the dolls, pictures, written work, and other pieces of art here that are vessels filled.

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