Monday, January 2, 2012

New doll!

Well I did exactly what I had planned not to... I had some money set aside from Christmas and selling my junky old car, specifically to get a new tattoo done. However, when I started looking at which design to get next, I just couldn't decide. Nothing really "hit" me like I prefer tattoos to do before I got to get them.

Then I made the "mistake" of looking at the DoA marketplace. Dolly karma struck in an oddly perfect way, and I found a Volks SDC Arashi just within my price range. Arashi is one of my favorite Volks sculpts, and I've always loved his expressive and more mature SDC body. However I'd resigned myself to lust from afar, as not many people ever want to give up these lovely little guys. Imagine my surprise when I saw one on the marketplace! I pmed the seller planning to think it over first, but he was just too adorable not to do it.

I felt I had to be a little responsible though, so I did pay off a loan before sending the fund over for him. That's my adult showing. ;P

So my very own Arashi will be heading my way tomorrow, and I'm very excited! I've got a tentative name picked out for him that just sort of popped into my head: "Aiden James." Not sure why, but it did. I also bought him a pair of leather pants and some New Rock esque boots with red flames. Despite his sweet smile, I've always pictured Arashi as a little rocker; probably due to Jennynemesis' Rowan. :)

Since my bf got a lovely Nikon for Christmas, I'm even hoping to have a guest photographer for the box opening which would be a first. Stay tuned!

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