Thursday, May 23, 2013

30 Day BJD Challenge -Day 1

In an effort to post's a thing!

1). Why do you like bjds?

Toys have always been my thing since I was little, though oddly enough not dolls as much.  But I've always found them comforting and interesting.  Bjds have that same feeling, but they take it a step further with their ability to be customized in every which way.  I love art, and the idea that I can have a doll I can repaint, redress, and refashion constantly is extremely attractive.

Admittedly I'm sure some of my love for them also comes from my undying fascination with Japanese culture.  The first dolls I ever saw were from Volks, and despite the fact that I had no idea what I was looking at, I couldn't help but see the similarities between them and my beloved manga characters.  The aesthetics of many companies, Volks and CP/Luts included come off as very anime-inspired to me.

In the end though, I just get a very wonderful, unique feeling from bjds that I don't from other toys or dolls.  Before I ever got a doll I spent a lot of time researching them, and one statement that stood out to me was the notion that these dolls were somehow different.  Some posts talked about their being made resin which caused them to hold heat and therefore feel warm (which sounds odd, but I understand it).  Others commented on the fact that bjds walk a fine line along the uncanny valley, sometimes veering one way or another.  For me it was just the feeling of finding the right doll, and realizes that this was important for me.

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