Tuesday, August 2, 2011

New doll?

The choosing of a new doll is, at least for me, a very particular process. If nothing else the amount of money I'll spend on a doll is an important factor. If I'm going to allot money for said doll, I want to make sure I'll really enjoy them when they arrive.

I've been thinking about getting another doll lately, and I've tried to narrow down my requirements a bit to assist in the selection process. First and foremost I want a Volks doll. Maybe it's a brand name thing, but I would really love to own another Volks doll. I love their quality and the detail which they put into every aspect of the doll. I also want the doll to be a female, which is surprising considering my normal penchant for male dolls.

That point actually leads me into my next one, which is the new doll must work well with Uri. Not to say I need his "permission," but I realize that Uri is a big part of my doll "collection." I devote more time and energy to him than any other doll, and I wouldn't want to buy one that would compete. So I decided a female doll of similar size would be good in that she'd be different enough not to compete with Uri, but they could theoretically share clothes.

Price of course is also a big factor in my decision-making process, as some of these dolls can be rather expensive and I'm on a tight budget. I've decided to set aside a very small amount of each check (less than 10%) for "fun money," which in this case applies to dolls. It will take a little while, but eventually I will have the necessary funds without overtaxing my budget.

This morning I decided to browse the Volks USA site again, and checked out their SD's. Again, none of them really jumped out at me. I like Kun, but while she's pretty, she's not quite what I'm looking for. Then on a whim I checked out the Dollfie Dream section. Instantly I knew that one of these girls would be perfect. She'll be in a larger size, she's not as expensive, and she's worlds away from Uri. That last part was probably my biggest motivator.

So now I just have to decide what head to get. I'm currently torn between heads 2, 3, and 4. My top choice is #4. I like how she's different and very cute, but still mischievous. I think she'd be perfect for the ghost of the character wandering around in my head. The others are pretty too, but I think I like them just because they're pretty. They don't have quite enough personality for me, so I think it's #4. I will be buying her a wig and eyes separately I think, though I may purchase some pretty animetic eyes. I'm thinking blond and blue-eyed for some reason.

It will be a while before I can bring my girl home and have her fully put together, painted, and dressed. I'd say at least a few months, though perhaps sooner depending upon how my next few weeks go. Plus I do have a birthday coming up next month...

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