Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Communication is a beautiful thing.

So I contacted the Volks store earlier today to see if I could change my shipping method from UPS Ground to USPS Express. I dropped them an e-mail detailing what I was looking for, and asking if it was possible. Either way I asked for them to get back to me.

Now when I check my order I see that it is "on hold," but I haven't received any communication either way. If it can't be done that's okay too, I just want to know. :/

Edit #1: Spoke with a lovely girl from the Volks store who was very helpful. I got problem the first problem cleared up, but now there's another one which looks like it will prevent me from getting the quicker shipping. We shall see.

Edit#2: I generally love my Firefox browser, but not this time. It was at fault for the order not going through. >:( Now however things seem to be fixed so I should be okay. *sigh of relief*

Edit#3: I spoke too soon. :( Still having trouble getting the order through, but the Volks representative has been very lovely to work with. My card company on the other hand... Hopefully good news soon.

Edit#4: Final edit for the day, and it's not a good one. Volks has my money, but they think they don't. Or that's at least the impression I get from the rep. My CC company has proof that Volks has it, no matter how much Volks suggests otherwise. So I'm stuck at an impasse here. I can't complete the order until the money is returned, but Volks won't acknowledge they have it. Not even a little. I can't request a cancellation of a charge, so I have to wait for them to figure out what's going on. They are closed now. Worst of all, the faster shipping I just paid for is worthless now. :(

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