Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dolly Talk: Do your dolls cheer you up?

This is a current thread from the DoA "Discussion" section wherein the OP asks if people find that their dolls cheer them up. The original question pertained to illness (temporary or continuous), but has been expanded to include bad days, depression, and so on.

Personally, I've always found toys* in general to be a big help at the end of a bad day, whatever the reason. this has only continued to be the case with bjds, though probably more so with them now than any other part of my "collection." As a child toys played an important role in my life as friends and confidants. Bjds have gone beyond that because of their interactive nature. One reply on the thread stated this in particular, talking about how many of us go from just owning bjds to sewing and painting for them.

Above all though I think bjds provide me with a great escape from this world when I'd prefer not to be here. Just like some of my favorite books and movies, they lure me into another world where I can put my real life problems aside for a time. Whether it is through writing, crafting, or painting them, I enjoy this departure they provide.

If nothing else they help me remember to pause on busy and/or stressful days. Sometimes I just keep going, believing that if I can just get to the proverbial end of the line, I'll feel better. The dolls though offer a small distraction, even if it's only for a few minutes of dressing or posing. In that time I can relax and collect my thoughts, making the subsequent time considerably less stressful.

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