vessel (n.) 1. a hollow utensil used as a container 2. a person seen as the agent or embodiment, as of a quality
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Merry Christmas everyone!
Notice the creepy photobombing Santa in the background. Totally unintentional, but kind of hilarious.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
More illness, moving, and pictures!
I had grand plans to post pictures of Uriel in his new hoodie this week, and then the plague descended. :/ I had been battling a cold for about two weeks, but then I started getting really sick. Apparently I contracted a nasty case of strep throat and I'm finally back on my feet after several days in bed. I also moved during this time (which didn't help with the rest and relaxation...), so everything is sort of all over the place at the moment.
Uri as usual is on the only doll to be unpacked and already sitting in a place of honor on my bed. But everyone else and all their clothes is still in bags and boxes in my closet. So since I didn't take pictures of any of them...have pictures of my room instead!
My dresser/altar space. My roomie found that mirror at the dump of all places, and it's perfect. The statues featured were ones I bought in Greece.
Our kitty "helping" me set things up.
One of the windows opposite my bed.
My music area, before I brought the guitars in. It's considerably more crowded now.
My bed!
Happy, sleepy kitty.
The living room which my roommate decorated. He's got pretty impressive decorating sense for a guy. That gigantic mirror also came from the dump. It's huge, and beautiful. It actually still had tags on it from an auction, I thought it was really strange that someone had tossed it.
We shall be back to our regularly scheduled dolly programming soon!
Friday, December 7, 2012
New hoodie!
Uri's hoodie from crazykimochi (on DoA) came in today and I love it. I had her put an image of a devil's trap (from Supernatural) on it because I thought that was so ironic and snarky. Uri would definitely wear a devil's trap just to mess with the hunters.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Busy month, and missed anniversary.
November turned out to be a busier month than I expected. There was some personal, family-related issues going on, and then my best friend in the world (the one I have tattooed on me) came home for a week. So I was on friend standard time, which mean lots of fun and very little sleep. But she has departed for her side of the country with the promise to return for Christmas, and we can get back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Something I did miss in this whirlwind of a month was Nowell's second anniversary with me. He arrived about a month after Uriel on November 15th 2010, so he is officially two years old (with me at least) now! So here are some fun facts about Nowell:

Something I did miss in this whirlwind of a month was Nowell's second anniversary with me. He arrived about a month after Uriel on November 15th 2010, so he is officially two years old (with me at least) now! So here are some fun facts about Nowell:
- He got his name from a Tori Amos song, "What Child, Nowell"
- He was my first real Volks doll. I did have a YoSD Suzuna before, but was really too afraid to do anything with her.
- He is the most well-traveled of all my dolls, even coming to Georgia with me once.
- He is my only white skinned doll, and probably will always be.
- He was featured on the Volks blog once.
- He was part of a psychology presentation a classmate did for one of my school courses.
Right now he's sort of stealing a wig from Gabe, though I really like this combined with the eyes he stole from Uri. Not sure if he'll keep both, but we'll see. I really need to dig all his clothes out of storage so he can be as well-dressed as he should be. He and Uri have more outfits than I do, I swear.
Monday, November 19, 2012
First attempt...
I like to make whatever I can for my dolls, but not all of my attempts are worth mentioning. This is my first try at a fur wig, and I'm actually pleased with the results. It's not perfect as the pattern is large for Uri's head, but it is better than I imagined it would be. :)
Also feature are Uri's new eyes which are actually different than the website pictured them, but I still like them.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Monastery Shoot
I did end up taking Uriel to the monastery this week, though the grounds were a lot different than expected. I did explore a small path that wound its way around the lake, and got some shots of Uri on the little bridges and the path itself.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Two Tiny Tattoos!
The crazier my life gets, the more I want tattoos. So I crossed two small ones off my list yesterday.
This one is a Grecian key symbol I’ve worn on a necklace for years. I wear it to symbolize Hecate, and use it in a lot of my workings with Her. I’ve used it as a protection charm, and it has helped keep me safe from all sorts of supernatural things. I decided I might as well just get it tattooed on since I wear it all the time. This way I’ll never forget the necklace and be without it.
The second is the signature of my best friend. She and I have been friends for 20 years, and she is someone I love dearly. I always promised I would get a tattoo for her, and joked it would be her name. When we were little she would practice her signature, hoping to someday be famous and wanting to practice her autographing skills. She developed a really unique style of handwriting that she’s barely changed, and I love it. I couldn’t think of anything else that would be more representative of her. They say I wear my heart on my sleeve…now it’s true. :)
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Illness, outfits, and eyeballs oh my!

That being said, Uri and I *might* go on a trip tomorrow if I can take some time off work. My mother is headed to a Buddhist retreat center for the morning to take a tour of the grounds, and I may tag along with Uri and my camera. They apparently have several beautiful acres with lots of statues and meditation areas. Barring any weather issues, I might actually be able to get some shots of Uri with said statues. I'm not sure why I so desperately want to take pictures of Uri with Buddha, but for some reason as soon as my mother mentioned the trip, I got very excited.
In other Uri news, he now has two new pairs of eyes on the way...eventually. I custom ordered the first pair from Ersa Flora, but I realized seeing her "to do" list that it may be quite some time before they arrive. No problem there, but I really need to have some different eyes for him in the mean time. Somehow I've ended up with a lot of 14mm and 16mm eyes, but nothing in 18mm. So Uri is making do with some eyes that are just a tad bit too small, and leave strange gaps in person.
As such I ordered him a pair of the eyes pictured above. Some Mint on Card Inc glass ones in a pretty red-orange mix. I *love* MoC's glass eyes. They are relatively inexpensive, ship quickly (and from the US!), and are of great quality. I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking for a cheaper glass eye cost wise. They are even starting to branch out into some interesting ones with lines of color swirled into the pupil, and in my opinion they look just as good as some of the Volks ones.
Aside from that, not much has gone on in doll land. Still waiting on some long-term commissions for Uriel, as well as looking for more time to complete the outfit I posted a teaser of yesterday. I need more fabric among other things, but it's been hard to find just what I'm looking for. To the thrift store!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Bjd Rant
Now I remember why Uriel has pretty much never had eyebrows. THEY. RUB. OFF. I spend more time painting the eyebrows than anything, and one or two clothing changes and there they go. :/ Everything else remains fine, so it's not the sealant this time. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but still. Now I have to go buy more rubbing alcohol to remove the eyebrows.
When I'm stressed, I make things. Something about using my hands to craft helps calm me down. had a pretty stressful weekend, so I decided to take yesterday afternoon to sew. Here is a preview of a new outfit for Uri.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Nothing too new here in doll land. My time has mostly been taken up by NaNoWriMo lately, which was going to be about Uri but as usual I changed my mind. I did however give Uri a new face up because his prior one chipped. Again. :/ I'm beginning to think that Testors changed more than their packaging as this is the second face up with this bottle of sealant that's bitten the dust. But, he got his eye of Ra design back, so I suppose it's not entirely a bad thing.
I think I might be taking Uri out this weekend to go see Voltaire in concert. He's a big fan of toys himself (he makes all sorts of neat custom and fs toys), and I think he'd like Uri. I'd really like to get a picture with Voltaire and Uri if possible, so we'll see if that happens.
I think I might be taking Uri out this weekend to go see Voltaire in concert. He's a big fan of toys himself (he makes all sorts of neat custom and fs toys), and I think he'd like Uri. I'd really like to get a picture with Voltaire and Uri if possible, so we'll see if that happens.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Haunted Vessel: Uriel Part III
I hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween! I spent most of the day working, and then went to my tattoo studio for a festive tattoo. Pictures to follow this post. :) I thought I would do one last Haunted Vessel post for this October, even though the month is over. who says the creepiness needs to be?
So a couple evenings ago I got ready for bed, and tucked Uri in across from me. I have a very large bed and I only sleep on one side, so I will tend to keep dolls or books on the other. The bed is big enough that I won't disturb whatever is on the other side, and it makes for easy grabbing if I'm reading a book before bed or doing something will my dolls. So I wrapped Uri up in a blanket and tucked him under my big comforter on the other side of the bed.
I fell asleep, and ended up having a strange succession of weird dreams and nightmares. The last one of the night was a nightmare, though I don't remember all the details of it. Unfortunately I am not a lucid dreamer, and it takes a lot for me to wake myself up, if I even can. So I am more often stuck in dreams until something else wakes me or they run their course. That night I tried to wake up on my own but couldn't.
Suddenly I feel this tap on my forehead, both in the dream in in reality, and I woke up. Immediately in my field of vision is Uriel's hand. He was still on his side of the bed wrapped up, but one of his arms had been freed, and he was pointing it directly at my face. The tap I had felt was that of his hand hitting my forehead.
There was no way I could have partially freed him in my sleep, let alone left him otherwise perfectly tucked in. Uriel has showed up in my dreams on occasion, what's to say he didn't poke me to wake me up from my nightmare? :)
So a couple evenings ago I got ready for bed, and tucked Uri in across from me. I have a very large bed and I only sleep on one side, so I will tend to keep dolls or books on the other. The bed is big enough that I won't disturb whatever is on the other side, and it makes for easy grabbing if I'm reading a book before bed or doing something will my dolls. So I wrapped Uri up in a blanket and tucked him under my big comforter on the other side of the bed.
I fell asleep, and ended up having a strange succession of weird dreams and nightmares. The last one of the night was a nightmare, though I don't remember all the details of it. Unfortunately I am not a lucid dreamer, and it takes a lot for me to wake myself up, if I even can. So I am more often stuck in dreams until something else wakes me or they run their course. That night I tried to wake up on my own but couldn't.
Suddenly I feel this tap on my forehead, both in the dream in in reality, and I woke up. Immediately in my field of vision is Uriel's hand. He was still on his side of the bed wrapped up, but one of his arms had been freed, and he was pointing it directly at my face. The tap I had felt was that of his hand hitting my forehead.
There was no way I could have partially freed him in my sleep, let alone left him otherwise perfectly tucked in. Uriel has showed up in my dreams on occasion, what's to say he didn't poke me to wake me up from my nightmare? :)
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
The Haunted Vessel: Blue Mary
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Grave of Mary Ritter Spaulding. |
"Blue" Mary is a spirit that haunts Vale End Cemetery in Wilton, NH. According to legend she appears as a blue light, and has caused any number of accidents, evps, creepy feelings, and supposed attacks. I personally have never felt any malice in Vale End, or from Mary herself, but that's just me. Most stories about her do suggest she is a vengeful and angry spirit, though when you hear her history it's no wonder.
In life Mary was known as Mary Ritter, or by her married name Mary Spaulding. By all accounts she was a happy woman, marrying Captain Isaac Spaulding in 1795 and having eight children. Some local folklore reports that Mary was a healer who specialized in using herbs, but there are no other sources to verify this information.
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Uriel at Mary's grave. |
Mary died in 1808 at 35 years old. There is some mystery surrounding her death as well. Some legends suggest that her husband was cheating on her with a younger woman (who he eventually married), and the depression and anger caused by this drove her to suicide. Others agree with the infidelity, but say Mary wasted away on her own. One word-of-mouth report I heard included Mary hanging herself in her home. Whatever the case, Mary died young, leaving behind a husband and eight children.
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It's traditional to leave offerings to appease Mary. Note the pennies on her grave. |
I have been to Vale End a number of times, and have not experienced the terror that most reports insist is present. I'm not sure exactly why that is, other than perhaps the fact that I really, truly, feel for Mary. To me it isn't an attraction like a theme park, it's sad and unfortunate. I like to go and talk "to" Mary, leave her little gifts as is customary, and often play her songs.
I haven't had any intense experiences, but the last time I was there I did experience something odd. I brought my guitar along, and sat across from Mary's grave and played her songs for at least an hour. I sang a number of covers, and then I delved into my own works, not all of which are particularly poppy or happy. I found that when I sang my own music, I would feel a presence over my shoulder. In particular when I sang a few songs that dealt with death, I felt the presence and the faint touch of something.
At first I thought the nearby trees were dripping on me, but this feeling occurred only when I was playing. If I stopped playing/singing, it stopped. There was no wind at the time, and I even moved out from underneath the trees to see if that was the cause. However, as soon as I started playing again, the feeling return. It honestly almost felt like tears falling on my shoulder, which is strange to say the least.
This time I went back with my sister and Uri, and we wandered around the cemetery for a while taking in the scenery. Ghosts aside, it's truly a beautiful place to sit. Hence why I come here so often with a book, guitar, sketch pad, etc. I snapped some pictures of Mary's grave, and some f Uri with the grave, as well as some of the cemetery itself.
I should add that Vale End is also known for having at least two other spirits in residence. One is an old man who wanders around near the cemetery gate. Supposedly his daughter was buried in the grounds, but her grave was moved at some point. The man returns and looks for his daughter's grave.
The second spirit is where most of the frightened reports come from. According to local legend there is a Native American troll-like spirit that lives in or around the cemetery in some sort of den. Apparently this area was the location of a massacre of Native American people by the Wilton townsfolk, and this creature is a punishment left in the wake of the violence. I have never experienced either of these secondary ghosts, but that's just me.
Here are some more picture of the cemetery itself to give you a better idea of what the grounds look like. It is really a beautiful place.
For more information on Mary and Vale End:
SPI's Website
Union Leader article
Ghosts of New England article
Hollow Hill article
FamilyPedia entry
Nashua Telegraph article
blue mary,
ghost hunt,
grave stone,
haunted vessel,
mary ritter,
mary spaulding,
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
We have a really interesting Haunted Vessel post coming up this Friday. Uriel and I went on a little road trip (okay so we drove one town over...) and got some pictures of a local haunted location. I believe I've actually featured some photos of it here before as scenery, but I'm not going to reveal any clues. You'll just have to wait until Friday!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
It's that time of year...
I mentioned last week that Uri and I were off to do some "ghost hunting" at my sister's house. She'd been experiencing some increasingly uncomfortable activity, and asked if I could come by and "work some mojo." I took Uri along with me because he is my resident anti-ghost doll. In general spirits won't mess with any of my dolls, but Uri is one that projects a very strong "go away" feeling around him. So if I have him with me, the ghosts will generally stay a certain distance away.
The activity seems to be consistent with what I had previously experienced when I lived there. I believe it is the Civil War ghost I encountered last year that I discussed in this post. She has heard the same kinds of footsteps and movement, coupled with an odd feeling of there being a male presence. She has also most disturbingly heard a male voice when there is no man in the house, and heard our mother talking in her sleep to something that responds in that same voice. My mother has no memory of these experiences, and pretty much dismisses the whole thing on principle. However my sister was frightened and disturbed.
I took Uri and went through my normal process of cleansing and blessing the room. I put Uri in the center and called to each element and my own deities for protection. The moment I did that, the room went up at least ten degrees in temperature. I had no recording equipment unfortunately, but I went from shivering to being hot enough to take off my sweater.
I saged the room, and went about doing my blessing (private ritual). The room definitely felt better afterwards, not only warmer but safer. When I was done I stepped out of the room to leave, and I could feel a palpable difference just between the hallway and her room. I retrieved Uri, and from then on walking was like stepping through thick fog. The sensation of stepping through something not quite physical, but definitely present.
Since then I've gone back to the house a few times to access some boxes I have stored there, and I can tell that the ghost is still present. I was in the garage looking through boxes yesterday, and heard the distinct sound of footsteps on the driveway, and then across the leaves that were in front of the door. I figured someone had come home without me hearing their car, but when I looked up nobody was there. Further inspection revealed no cars in the driveway but mine. That happened a couple more times while I was still in the garage, and the sound was very plainly someone walking.
The button is still at my mother's house in storage, which is probably why the ghost is still active. That and the facts that I'm no longer there to pay attention, and that my mother took down all the protective charms/etc. when I moved. It took him a couple months, but he seems to be back in full swing now. I told my sister to keep me posted on how she is feeling, and that I would try and figure out what to do with the button long-term.
civil war,
haunted item,
haunted vessel,
Monday, October 22, 2012
Another Anime Convention Review!
Overall I had a good time, and was very pleasantly surprised at the size of the convention. My little state isn't exactly known for putting on big cons, but this one was really well-attended. I'm going to simplify this a bit and do a pro/con arrangement with a little explanation.
- The con was actually pretty well run. Sometimes with cons that are just starting or smaller ones, you can find a lot of issues with the management. This one however was well done, and nicely organized. Con staff were positioned all over the place, almost at ever turn in the hotel. They were ready to help you with just about anything from directions to fixing a broken costume. They even had a "hotline" specifically for costume mishaps, including a text number. Really convenient and nice people.
- Well attended, and awesomely costumed! Seriously, there were so many amazing costumes.
- Lots of fun activities, panels, and general craziness.
There was a little rave, parasol and fan painting, video game lounge, various games going on in the hallways, a gong show, a hentai showing (hilairous!), and so much more. I'm kind of sad I missed some of the earlier activities. - A wide-spread representation of fandoms in both attendees and presentations. I saw a little of everything: Avengers, Superman, Sherlock, Loki, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Kuroshitsuji, furries, Firefly, Dr. Horrible, Doctor Who, Homestuck, and so many more.
- Really nice (if at times overeager) attendees. It sounds silly, but not all conventions have that welcoming feeling. This one though definitely had it from staff and attendees alike. Everyone was more than happy to stop and chat, take pictures, discuss their costumes, etc. People were also really good about offering help or advice if you found yourself lost or in need of something.
That being said, there were unfortunately a few problems (some big, some not) as well.
- The vendor's hall closed early. Really early. My friend and I got there at 6ish, and it was already closed for the night. I checked the schedule and apparently it was open in the mid morning until early afternoon, then closed, opened for a half hour, closed, opened for a half hour, and finally closed completely. This meant I wasn't able to do any shopping. :(
- We encountered a few, rather rude members of the convention staff. I try to give them some credit because I know conventions are never easy, and I'm sure they had to deal with a lot of crap. However, there were a few interactions that were less pleasant than they could have been.
For example...When we first arrived, we got our badges and went to enter the vendor room. It was already closed which we were unaware of, we just saw a staff member at the door checking badges. There were still people wandering around the vendor hall at this point, in retrospect I assume they were vendors closing up. In any event, we get our badges and go to enter. Rather than simply saying "It's closed," we get this interaction.
My friend and I walk up to go in. The staffer at the door jumps in front of my friend and pushes him back.
Staffer: Where do you think you're going?!
My friend: The vendor room?
Staffer: No you're not.
My friend: it closed already?
Staffer: *big exasperated sigh* Obviously! You guys should have gotten here earlier. - Creepy, creepy, creepy men. And staff/security not being watchful enough.
I get that creepy guys are everywhere, and especially at cons they can be prevalent. I also understand that you can't just kick people out or bar them for no reason but...
There were a lot of older, very sleazy men hanging around the young girls of the convention (I would say 80% of attendees were under 18). Some were just oggling, some were following them around and snapping pictures.
I actually spoke to one of the staffers/attendees and she told me a very unsettling story. She was at the front of the hotel outside, and a number of older men approached her asking how they could get into the party. She asked if they were there for the convention, and they said no, they'd just heard there were underage girls in skimpy outfits and they wanted to come look. They actually said this...
Unfortunately there was also an issue with an older man who kept telling people he was the "official photographer." Technically he had a staff pass, but he was using his position to get information like phone numbers, e-mail, and addresses from young female attendees. He kept saying he'd send their photos if they told him where they lived/their number, but when asked by an older attendee he admitted he just wanted the e-mails to contact the women. Ew. - Finally, and most unfortunately...there was a lot of sexism, racism, and anti gay language in at least one of the panels we attended. Now I'm no stranger to bad/offensive jokes, and I get that a con can have some pretty crazy behavior. But to have a con-sponsored panel where the presenters yelled things like "lesbian!" as insults to the audience, and made racial and sexist jokes just wasn't acceptable.
Overall I would definitely attend AAC again, and I think I would go for the whole weekend. I feel like I missed out by only going for a day.
another anime convention,
creepy men,
New eyes and...oops.
Got Uri's new eyes in the mail today and unfortunately they are way too small. :( Eyes are like jeans, every company makes the "same" sizes, but they all fit differently. In this case it was a question of the white part of the eye, it was just too small to fit his eye holes. The funny thing is that the pair he was wearing were also 16mm, and fit perfectly. They are just way too dark for him. So Arashi got a new pair of eyes instead. ;)
I think I'm going to go searching for his old metallic eyes as I missed those anyway. They're somewhere in one of my moving boxes, so it might take a while...Poor eyeless Uri.
I think I'm going to go searching for his old metallic eyes as I missed those anyway. They're somewhere in one of my moving boxes, so it might take a while...Poor eyeless Uri.
Convention Photos!
I only have two pictures from the convention, though I know there's at least one more floating around. The first is of me with some great Whedon cosplayers (Jayne and Simon from Firefly and Captain Hammer from Dr. Horrible), and the second is one I took myself. I loved my costume, though Uri's could use some more work. Not bad for making it the night before. :)
Friday, October 19, 2012
Convention time!
Uri and I are headed out to Another Anime Convention tomorrow, and I've decided we will be dressed as our killjoy alter egos: I will be Baby Berzerker and he will be Afterburn. My friend is going as a steampunk Dr. Horrible of sorts, so I think we'll fit in.
I have pretty much everything I need for Uri's costume, but there are still a few things I need for his and a bunch for mine. So...craft store shopping after work! And pictures will ensue. :)
I have pretty much everything I need for Uri's costume, but there are still a few things I need for his and a bunch for mine. So...craft store shopping after work! And pictures will ensue. :)
Mary Sue?
Just took the Universal Mary Sue Litmus Test with Uriel in mind and he scored a 6, which is the lowest any of my characters have scored thus far. Granted I've spent so long developing his character that I'm not entirely surprised. I think I will try Nowell next.
*Edit: Nowell is at 12, still considered not a Mary Sue.
*Edit: Nowell is at 12, still considered not a Mary Sue.
The Haunted Vessel: Island of the Dolls

The "Island of the Dolls" or "LaIsla de la Munecas"as it is known by natives, is a prime haunted tourist attraction in Mexico. The island had deep canals that run through it, and legend says that a young girl fell and drowned in one. Supposedly it is her spirit that demands the dolls.
The island garnered most of its dolls from a hermit named Don Julian Santana who moved to the island and spent the end of his life there. He would fish the dolls out of the canals or gather them from traders and tourists. He said it was done to appeal the spirit of the little girl. The dolls quickly began to cover the island, and hung from every possible perch. Don Julian died in 2001, and was supposedly found drowned in the same canal that claimed the young girl's life.
Since then the island has grown in popularity as a tourist attraction for ghost hunters and the curious alike. Tradition states you must bring a doll as an offering, or the ghost of the little girl will haunt you. Some have said they have heard the dolls whispering or seen them move. In the post I linked above, Destination Truth apparently captures one of the dolls moving on camera.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
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