Three more days and I am finished with school (thank goodness)! I had one final today and passed in one paper. Two more finals and two papers to go, one and a half of which are done. And yet I still have so much more to do...
I cannot wait until I have nothing more than Christmas and dolls to worry about (and work of course). I'm still working on completing my Christmas presents for friends and family which will be followed by pictures here as this was at one point supposed to feature art as well. :P So all sorts of neat things are in store once I vanquish the remaining exams.
In dolly news I heard back from Volks, and after correcting a silly little typo I made regarding Nowell's mold, he will be featured on the blog! They told me to keep my eyes out for him over the next few days, and I'll be sure to put a link here when it happens.
Also, there *may* be another doll coming to live with the pack in the near future. I "talked it over" with Nowell since he seems to be the leading representative of my dolly pack, and since it's not a new character it seems to be okay. It will be a tiny little boy, and at the moment I'm torn between making a mini-Uriel and a mini-Daemon. My initial thought was a mini Uriel as I really miss taking Uri with me places, but his size is hard to manage in most places. But then again I just thought of making a little Daemon (who I don't currently have as a doll), and that sounds good too. We'll see, and updates will come closer to the weekend.
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