21. Do any of your characters have children? How well do you write them?
None of my characters do, but a few of my characters are. Nowell in particular has been an interesting character to write given that I never was a fourteen year-old boy. It's also difficult because I don't really know the mind set of a "normal" child. When I was younger I was kind of like a "little adult," already reading and speaking at a much higher level. I've read back over some of my old writings and diaries and at times it's scary h0w weird I was. :P In any event, that makes it harder for me to present normal young characters, but I'm working on it.
22. Tell us about one scene between your characters that you've never written or told anyone about before! Serious or not.
Um...Most of the romantic scenes between Orla and Michael were never really written down because of the odd age difference. There's also a scene in Nowell's story that I've been having a very difficult time getting into words, so I suppose that counts. Nowell has very intense, surreal dreams of being in a white forest. The trees are all tall and stark white, and at least one reminds me of the Tree of Gondor. Unfortunately the experience is very visual, and I have yet to find the words to put it into an actual written story.
23. How long does it usually take you to complete an entire story-from planning to writing to posting (if you post your work)?
It depends upon the length, and where it's going. The short writing prompts I've been doing usually take about three days give or take some time. Generally I spend a day reading through the prompt and writing down any and all ideas I get from it. Then I sort those into plausible and not plausible categories, and pick out the best of those that fit. I usually then write it all in one sitting, which takes about a day, and then another day for re-reading, editing, and so on.
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