Uri is fully made up and sealed, although not without incident. I did it yesterday and was happy until I realized that there were a few spots of old pastel left. So I took it all off and gave him a really good scrubbing this afternoon and did it again, but better this time. :) It looks like he has a little bit of staining from his old face up, but it's covered by the new one.
In any event I had him almost finished and set him to dry, only to have him dropped by my boyfriend's mom and have his nose smashed in! I've been into this hobby now for over a year and prior to September I'd never damaged a doll. Now in the spans of three months I've damaged two! Dru got a chipped cheek on my birthday, and Uri a dented nose. I boiled both and they've recovered, although I'm not sure if Uri has a crack in his resin or just in his sealant. It looks like the sealant, but I'm not 100% sure.
That being said, he is done and looks great. Very different from any face up I've done before, and not one I'd have thought I'd like. It's very simple, just pastel shading on the lips, around the eyes, and a bit on the ears. And red too, so he looks a bit like an albino, but I love it. It works for his demon look and a bit of his character I haven't talked about yet, but I'll save that for the pictures.
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