It only took a few hours, but both Nowell and the Hanael are sueded and re-strung. What a difference cleaning and new s-hooks makes! Hanael poses like a dream, although her legs tend to spin in funny directions for some reason. I've also decided who she is going to be...a chibi Azkadelia! She has stolen Nowell's old wig (and he hers), and will be getting her trademark tattoos and some costumes. She's not really meant to be evil Az, but I just love those tattoos. :)
Nowell as I mentioned has stolen the brown wig Az came with, and it looks perfect. Just warm enough, and it is very durable. Even after fifteen to twenty minutes of finagling, turning it inside out and so on, I was still able to smooth it right out. Perfect!
Something else struck me today, and I wanted to post here to clear up any confusion. I mentioned that Nowell was an original character I created from the Tin Man universe, but I never really mentioned what that was! In short it was a miniseries that presented an updated version of the Wizard of Oz. It's funny, because although I really don't like the original movie, I do tend to love the remakes that I've seen. If you're curious you can check out the Wikipedia page for a general overview of the characters, but I definitely suggest watching it if you have the chance.
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