I'm putting this beneath a cut because of dolly nudity.
Mi arrived in the typical Bobobie blue box from Denverdoll, as for some reason they never seem to have the bags. Nothing too exciting about the packaging, but she did arrive without any breakage which was lovely.
An overview shot of the body in total. I ordered a NS Resinsoul Mi with face up. The body itself is stunning and the engineering is really great. Honestly, of all the RS dolls I've owned, I think she illustrates how their posing and sculpting abilities have really developed over time. There are some design elements that alter posing abilities a bit (such as the two part torso), but I like the form over function in that case.
She is, as many have said, very thin. I jokingly call her/her character descended from trees because of how tall and willowy she is. The body does still have a good weight to it though, and a nice feel to the resin overall. She is 60cm tall, though her thin shape will limit clothing options somewhat. I've had the best luck with what I've made for her compared to bought, aside from the items I'd like to be oversized. The leggings from Starshine Designs fit very well, but I have yet to find a pair of pants that looks okay. She is a fairly similar size to an Obitsu 60cm, which may help the search somewhat.
Right off the bat I would say she's very kicky, though not more so than any other Resinsoul doll. I do have extra string which I will be using for her. I have sueded her as well, though I think that I will need to do a bit more of that after I re-string her. In particular her ankles are very slippery. Boots would definitely help this, but I'd like to see if a re-stringing and sueding would also alleviate it.
She poses pretty well in natural fashions, kickiness notwithstanding. I do miss having some sort of swivel joint in her hips as I think that would help immensely, but I may eventually do a swarko mod to fix this a bit. The legs still cross nicely, and don't have that odd position issue that the MSDs do (if you have a RS doll, you know what I mean).
In regards to her torso, she can technically slouch, though I didn't get a picture of this. It's not particularly attractive sans clothing, as you have to pop her chest joint out of alignment. Even still, it does have a pretty good range of motion once popped out which is nice.
Pardon the out of focus face, as I was mostly trying to get her arm in this shot. The body is double jointed at both the elbows and the knees, and the range of motion is really great. This is with a smidge of sueding, but even without she can lock her arm into this position as well. The sueding has just helped to extend that locking into other increments as well. She can touch her face, wrap her arms around the top of her body, and so on. The arms were definitely the most kicky part of her right out of the box.
She can kneel and even "sit" on her feet as well without support. Again, some of the poses will look odd without clothing due to the double joints and some of the jointing in her back/legs, but with clothes they look great. She does have quite an arched back as well, as others have mentioned.

A front view of her kneeling position.
Overall I'm really pleased with this body and with the doll overall. She's truly lovely in design, style, and functionality. Not to mention the price! She falls on the "cheaper" scale as SDs go as she was a little over $200 with shipping and a face up included. Definitely not a bad price for what you're getting.
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