Prompt: What is your favorite place to buy BJDs? Is it a certain brand's website? Or is it a retailer like Denver Emporium?
For dolls, I pretty much exclusively buy from the second hand market. The only exceptions to that with bjds has been Luna who I bought directly from Volks, my earlier Soom dolls, some Resinsoul dolls from DDE/Junkyspot, and Dru my Luts doll. Overall I like the secondhand market because it's often cheaper and easier to navigate in some ways. Plus there's the added bonus of often immediate shipping. On the flip side there is the risk of recasts that's becoming more and more elevated, so it has its own drawbacks.
Of the companies I've bought from directly, I've had so/so experiences. When I ordered Luna there were all sorts of problems with payment, where Volks charged my card then refunded it, and then charged it again without having actually fully refunded the initial charge. They were helpful in the long run, but it was a very frustrating process. Soom and I had a miscommunication on shipping, which resulted in my doll wandering all over the place (including Europe!). Luts I had no issues with, though it obviously took a little while to make the doll and ship it out.
Purchasing through a retailer is also a great option, especially if you're looking for a new doll with a layaway or a middle man that speaks English. I've purchased dolls through Denver Doll Emporium (a BBB Ju, RS Gang, FL Puki Puki body, and a RS SD body) and Junkyspot (BB Apollo), and had good experiences with both. DDE allows for a layaway which is a nice service, and has allowed me to purchase new bodies/dolls through them. Junkyspot has the bonus of only selling in-stock items, which means there will never be a long wait. Plus they send some really neat goodies with your doll.
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