Work is still taking over my life, as I imagine it will for the foreseeable future. However I've been trying to do some doll work, and some writing as well. I've been dying to expand upon Emmanuel's universe a bit more, and with Nanowrimo just around the corner, I thought I'd do a bit of brainstorming. I do have the rough outline of the next two installments of his story in my head, but I occasionally like to pluck a character out here and there and write just about them. That way I get a better idea of who they are and why they do what they do.
Sep (tentatively nicknamed September) is one such character. He's part of the middle of Emmanuel's story more or less, though the more I write him the more I can see him continuing on. I've also been dancing around getting another doll for a while, though not really a whole doll (famous last words of course...). I've been peeking at the marketplace from time to time, and haven't really encountered what I was looking for. Initially I was seeking a MSD sized head, but then I stumbled upon this SD guy on MoC's website.

He's actually a Doll Family A practice head, specifically put out for Dollism's modification contest. But there's still available in a few different skin colors, and I grabbed a NS yellow in the hopes that he might fit either my Volks SD13 body that Ghost is on now, or my Delf body that Uri is on. I don't love dolls sharing bodies overall, but if I decide I want to get him his own down the road I could. I'm not even sure what the resin match will be like overall, so we'll see what happens. But he's got such lovely lips (apparently that's what I'm drawn to in sculpts I've realized) and he was very affordable. So if nothing else, he could become a practice head if being Sep doesn't work out.