Sunday, December 14, 2014

Random update time!

Updates here will be very sporadic unfortunately, as I do not have internet access and probably won't be getting it at my new place. But here is a little update of a few photos I've taken recently of the boys.  I decided to put Nowell back together because I really missed his creepy cute face.  He is my favorite msd sized doll by far, and he's been with me for four years now (as of November) which is just crazy.  So here's some shots of my little undead friend with some bones and bone jewelry I own.

And a bonus shot of Emmanuel I took on Thanksgiving.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Lovely Autumn Day

Introducing Sep!

Some shots of the boys outside today. It was a little overcast, but still a pretty fall day.

And! I won a contest that the illustrious charlietheskonk had put on to create some kind of art about the legendary Charlie. I wrote a little song, and she liked it so much I won!  She made these amazing cake necklaces and tiny cakes for me, and they are adorable!

Monday, September 29, 2014

New Project!

Work is still taking over my life, as I imagine it will for the foreseeable future.  However I've been trying to do some doll work, and some writing as well.  I've been dying to expand upon Emmanuel's universe a bit more, and with Nanowrimo just around the corner, I thought I'd do a bit of brainstorming.  I do have the rough outline of the next two installments of his story in my head, but I occasionally like to pluck a character out here and there and write just about them.  That way I get a better idea of who they are and why they do what they do.

Sep (tentatively nicknamed September) is one such character.  He's part of the middle of Emmanuel's story more or less, though the more I write him the more I can see him continuing on.  I've also been dancing around getting another doll for a while, though not really a whole doll (famous last words of course...).  I've been peeking at the marketplace from time to time, and haven't really encountered what I was looking for.  Initially I was seeking a MSD sized head, but then I stumbled upon this SD guy on MoC's website.

He's actually a Doll Family A practice head, specifically put out for Dollism's modification contest.  But there's still available in a few different skin colors, and I grabbed a NS yellow in the hopes that he might fit either my Volks SD13 body that Ghost is on now, or my Delf body that Uri is on.  I don't love dolls sharing bodies overall, but if I decide I want to get him his own down the road I could.  I'm not even sure what the resin match will be like overall, so we'll see what happens.  But he's got such lovely lips (apparently that's what I'm drawn to in sculpts I've realized) and he was very affordable.  So if nothing else, he could become a practice head if being Sep doesn't work out.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Photo Dump!

I'm alive! Just completely wrapped up in my new job, so I haven't really done anything with my dolls lately. But here's a bunch of photos I've taken over the past few months, as I think today might be bjd day.  (Maybe? Possibly?)

And these are from when I took Emmanuel with me to Salem, Ma. :)

We had matching outfits to!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Still alive!

And still on hiatus, for at least a little while longer. :) My new job is going wonderfully, but my commute is around 4-ish hours round trip, which leaves no time for actual doll projects.  I do hope to take some photos here and there, but I don't think there will be regular updates here for a while yet.  At least not until I settle into work and hopefully find a new apartment. :)

Monday, July 28, 2014

I finally dragged Emmanuel out on Sunday to take a few shots, and of course it rained. So I snapped a few inside instead. And I discovered an old ear cuff of mine that was too small for me is actually a perfect ring for him!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Tiny Hiatus?

There will probably be no new posts for about another week, as I work through some training for my new job.  But hopefully I will be able to get back into the swing of things after that. :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


A mishmash of some pictures I took of Emmanuel this morning before the rain sapped all the light.  I was hoping to take him outside this week, but thus far it's been nothing but wet and rainy every day.  

(In his super fancy "travel case," aka a giant pink purse I bought recently.)

And a doll selfie, just because.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Get Inside Your Character's Head!

(I've been so busy lately, so sorry for the lack of posts! Hopefully this week will be a little quieter and more conducive to actually getting things done.)

You can find the full questionnaire here.  I'm going to do a few random questions as the mood strikes. :)

31. Most Prized Possession?

Emmanuel has a small silver cross that his sister Ruth gave him when he left home.  It's nothing fancy, just a silver cross on a simple chain, but it means the world to him.  He's not religious exactly, hasn't been for years, but the cross reminds him of his past and his family.  And silver can come in handy in his line of work. :)

Thursday, July 10, 2014

My pretty bald boys. :)  They often sit without wigs when I have them on my bed, as my dog likes to steal wigs when he thinks I'm not looking...