Friday, November 22, 2013

New body!

Sorry for the spamming, but I am in love. <3  I'm so very glad I went with a Volks body for Ghost, it's just perfect.  I'm sure you can tell how much I love the hands alone.  But he looks great, definitely a better fit character and posing wise than the older SD10 body.

There are two drawbacks however: resin match and head fit.  The resin match isn't a big thing.  I don't mind that he's different shades in person, and you can't see it as much in photos.  The difference is almost non-existent in interior lighting, but definitely apparent outside.  But like I said, resin match isn't a big thing.  Uri's head is a different color than his body, and I don't even notice it anymore.

Head fit on the other hand is a bigger issue.  Technically it "fits," if you define fitting as "it doesn't fall off."  But the neck is large and the neck hole is small/shallow.  So it's not an ideal fit by any means.  My options are to either mod the body or the head, either of which will remedy the situation.  So I'm just trying to decide which I'd like to do.  I'm off to pick up a respirator tonight so I can do the work once I decide.

But overall, I love the body.  It is the one I've always wanted.  The SD10 body was too...simple.  And the SD16/17's and up I've seen are just too much.  Too many muscles, and too tiny of a waist for Emmanuel.  

It is funny though, because the story I'm writing about him for Nano deals with his youth, when he was 16 and still living at home.  The SD10 body was perfect for that.  Just the right amount of baby fat and child-like lines.  But now that I'm almost finished that part of his story, I've transitioned him to his older body, where he's at for most of the rest of the story (23-24ish).  Funny how things happen. :)

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