Friday, November 29, 2013

It feels like Christmas...

I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving yesterday!  Mine went smoother than I expected, we ate ourselves silly and watched Elf (one of my favorites).  Most of my family is out shopping today while I work, but I have my Santa hat on so it's not a total loss. ;)

After a bit more searching I found a blue pair of eyes for Ghost, ones that have the same sort of colored pupil as his do now.  They're coming from China so it will be a while, but I'm in no rush.  I think I also may have a trade for my Soom Skoll, which is lovely.  We're still doing a little negotiating, but once it's done I think we'll both make out pretty nicely.  Ghost will be getting some new clothes and potentially a wig as well.

I'm hoping to get him out to take some photos before the snow sets in, but I'm not sure how feasible that will be.  By the time I get out of work it's rather dark, so it would have to be on a weekend.  But I want to catch the location with no snow, so...we'll see.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

All in the Eyes

I keep changing Emmanuel's (Ghost) eyes out to these red/orange ones, despite them not fitting his character at all. Technically he should have blue eyes, kind of icy blue ones. But I haven't seen a pair of blue eyes I like for him, and the ones I have don't work.

He is an old F-10 head (SD13 four sisters) and he's got a lot of "character." Aka his eye wells are uneven, and beveled strangely. So his right eye always sits wrong. The only way to remedy this is by having eyes without defined pupils, such as these. Not to mention you have to move the eyes up considerably to get them to not look shocked, which isn't a look I love.

So we'll see, Ill keep an eye out for better blue eyes, but til then these will do.

Final word count:


Sunday, November 24, 2013

New face up!

And horrible flash photos!  This weekend was full of so much craziness...bad weather and worse GPS directions, and to top it off a tree came down across my road so it took me almost an hour and a half to find a way home.  But, I was able to finish Ghost's new face up, so all is forgiven.  He looks just lovely, and I can't wait to get him out for proper pictures.  Those will probably have to wait until I'm finished with Nano, but that should be soon enough.

Friday, November 22, 2013

More Spam

New body!

Sorry for the spamming, but I am in love. <3  I'm so very glad I went with a Volks body for Ghost, it's just perfect.  I'm sure you can tell how much I love the hands alone.  But he looks great, definitely a better fit character and posing wise than the older SD10 body.

There are two drawbacks however: resin match and head fit.  The resin match isn't a big thing.  I don't mind that he's different shades in person, and you can't see it as much in photos.  The difference is almost non-existent in interior lighting, but definitely apparent outside.  But like I said, resin match isn't a big thing.  Uri's head is a different color than his body, and I don't even notice it anymore.

Head fit on the other hand is a bigger issue.  Technically it "fits," if you define fitting as "it doesn't fall off."  But the neck is large and the neck hole is small/shallow.  So it's not an ideal fit by any means.  My options are to either mod the body or the head, either of which will remedy the situation.  So I'm just trying to decide which I'd like to do.  I'm off to pick up a respirator tonight so I can do the work once I decide.

But overall, I love the body.  It is the one I've always wanted.  The SD10 body was too...simple.  And the SD16/17's and up I've seen are just too much.  Too many muscles, and too tiny of a waist for Emmanuel.  

It is funny though, because the story I'm writing about him for Nano deals with his youth, when he was 16 and still living at home.  The SD10 body was perfect for that.  Just the right amount of baby fat and child-like lines.  But now that I'm almost finished that part of his story, I've transitioned him to his older body, where he's at for most of the rest of the story (23-24ish).  Funny how things happen. :)

Ladies and gentlemen...

The doll body is in the building!

Or rather in my car, but that counts right?  I ducked out of work to go grab it from the post office because they're not open during my lunch.  I was able to open enough of it to peek at toes (!) but I couldn't really sit in my car and unwrap it.  So it is tucked away until I can get out to lunch to properly play with it.  I brought Ghost with me to work (also in the car), along with some clothes so I can just switch him right over and get him dressed on his new body.

1pm can't come fast enough.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Two good updates!

1) We are past the half-way point on on our way to victory in NaNo!  My current word count is 35,273 and I may write some more tonight.  Now that I've started in on the end, I just want to keep writing.  I still have some middle parts to do and one part to rework, but it is a good part. :)

2) Ghost's body has shipped!  It should be here Friday, so prepare for photospammage! (shhh, I just made that up)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Side note...

I paid off the layaway for Ghost's body on Friday, so that should be arriving soon.  Things have been so stressful here lately and I could really use a distraction.  I've been dying to take him out and get some shots that relate to the story, but his SD10 body just won't do anything.  So that should be arriving sometime this week, pictures to follow!

Music of the Hobby

This post is brought to you by: writing something other than NaNo!  I did hit my word count before I allowed myself to do it though. ;)

Everything in my life has a soundtrack, dolls included.  I've written a bit about doll music before (here and here), but lately I've been exploring it again as I write about Ghost.  Uriel certainly has by far the most songs on his playlist, in part owing to him being the "oldest" as it were.  But Ghost is starting to catch up with him as I explore his story.

One album in particular that I've been listening to a lot while I write about him is one that oddly enough has special meaning for Nowell as well.  When I got Nowell, I was trying to decide what to name him, and I happened to be listening to Tori Amos' Christmas album at the time.  Specifically the song "What Child is this?/Nowell."  And that's where I took his name from.

For Ghost's story I've been listening to a lot of quiet music, sad songs, and things with very rich soundscapes.  This album fits the bill perfectly.  And it was funny because as I listened, I realize that I sort of got his name from it as well.  Ghost's birth name is Emmanuel, a name which just sort of came to me when I started writing his story.  But coincidentally, Tori also does a beautiful version of "Emmanuel" on this album.  So it seems that two of my Volks boys have taken their names from it. :)

If you have a chance to listen to this album, do it!  It's beautiful, both just as an album as well as a different spin on Christmas music.  I tend to keep it on rotation all year long, though it obviously gets more play this time of year.  

Nanowrimo Update

28,484 Words

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

For Sale: Soom Skoll with Wolf Parts

I'd really like to find this guy a new home because a) I don't do anything with him at all, and haven't in forever and b) I really want to pay off the layaway I have going for Ghost's body.  You can check out his DoA thread here.  He's pretty much a steal, but I just want him gone, so I don't care.  Negotiations are possible, so drop me a message!

The Crew

I really don't take enough pictures of everyone together.  There's only one other doll (aside from one I'm selling) who isn't in here, and she's both in pieces and being decided upon.  But otherwise this is everyone.

Everyone together!

Ghost (Volks F-10)

More ghostie.

Uriel (CP Delf El)

Left to right Arashi (Volks SDC Arashi), Liam (Volks YoSD Yuki), and Nowell (Volks MSD F-17)

Fumiko (Volks DDdy H04)

Nanowrimo Update!

Current word count: 21,701

Sunday, November 10, 2013

For once I've been absent because of productivity!

I've been hard at work on my NaNo (national writers month) story lately, hence my absence from here.  However it is about Ghost so...I guess that counts as also being productive in a dolly sense?  Thus far I'm actually doing really well, all my pre-story prep has helped immensely.  I hope to actually finish it this year, so we shall see!

On a related note I finally broke down and purchased (on layaway) a new body for Ghost.  I went back and forth with myself for a while on whether I really needed one.  But the more I find myself getting more serious in this hobby again, the more I realize his current limitations.  I went to a recent dolly meet, and he wouldn't even stand.  I had to lean him up against the wall and just hope he didn't fall over.  I've been trying to take more photos of him as well as that's something I miss, but this body is so limited in what it can do.  Not to mention the restringing nightmare it is...(crying...lots of crying).  So I found a Volks SD13 boy body on the MP and put it on layaway.  Ideally I'd like to have it home for the holidays, but that depends on what my finances allow.

And now, back to writing!

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Haunted Vessel: Story Time!

This great short was submitted by fairykukla!

The Lonely Werewolf
My name is Lila and I am a werewolf. I am larger than all the other dolls who live in this house. There was no one like me.
I had almost given up hope. I was surrounded by laughter and conversation but still felt entirely alone. The children from Monster High liked to keep me company, but the fishy one called me “Clawdeen” for some reason.

Suddenly, I found that I was being attended to by the giant one who rules our world. She carefully packed my things and carried me -just me!- to the home of the one known as “Grandma”. I was admired and shown around to several giants who were very nice. I even got a fantastic Pirate ensemble from Isabel’s Giant! I really do love this pirate coat and hat. They suit me very well.

The next thing I knew, there was a strange red person of my size sitting with me! She looked me in the eye and smirked. She had the most beautiful horns I had ever seen! They were not at all like Liaden’s graceful horns. They were curved like a ram’s horn and yet not at all unfeminine. 

"Nice pirate coat," the red one said. "Can I try it on?" 
I was startled by how forward she was, but I have always been generous at heart. 
"Well, of course," I said, and shrugged out of the coat.
"You can try on this blue dress," she said, gracefully allowing it to drop from her shoulders. "It’s pretty, but a little bit too… Alice-in-wonderland."
Having watched the little ones trying on each others’ clothes and wigs, I suddenly understood why they thought this was so much fun! As it turns out, she and I are not exactly the same size, so sometimes it is neat to see how things fit us. My “Dark Angel” shirt would be so perfect for her, but it hangs like a tent on her frame. We also swapped wigs, but once again, she is more slender than I am (in the head?)

Back at home, I discovered that we were going to live together, and I tell her all about my monstrous heritage and she tells me about her own. She is decended from demons and from djinn, and her family is not fully accepted by either group because of it. I would have assumed that Djinn and Demons would be harmonious together, and she said that while her parents prove this to be true, there are prejudices that interfere. She then confessed that she had to escape from her world where the demons demanded that she work as a succubus or temptress and her Djinn ancestors insisted upon arranging her marriage and binding her to a shiny object.

"Have you ever crammed yourself into a lamp or a ring?" she said, with a sharp edge to her voice.
"EEEEEty-bitty living space?" I asked, helpfully.
"BWa HA HA HA…" she laughed. "Yes. Like that."

As part of her escape plan, she had made herself as plain as possible, but I encouraged her to ask for a more glamorous look. With her new face, she’s nearly unrecognizable. But she still seemed sad, despite the fun we have been having. I told her that she was safe and that anyone who came looking for her would have to get through not only my fierce wolfishness, but a whole mob of the littler ones. Trixie is awfully fierce for a near-human! Plus there are the critters, and one should never discount their wiles and ferocity! Icky the Bat has a mighty stick, after all.

This just caused her to cry, and she finally was able to tell me that she wished her brother were safe, too. She didn’t know where he was or what was happening to him, but she worried that the demons would lean on him to hurt people or cause him to do something against his innately gentle nature.

"Bring him to us using your power!" I offered. "I know that he would be welcome here, and if he looks at all like you he would be… very easy on the eyes."
"I cannot use my power for myself, or for him. I only have the djinn power of the wish, and that is only for someone other than me. He cannot wish to come to me because I cannot communicate with him."

I took her hands and grinned from ear to ear. “Then I will wish him here!”

"Be careful, Lila. I have the power, but Djinn magic is notorious for giving you what you want in the worst possible way. You must be very specific." Her words were filled with caution but her voice was filled with hope.

"I wish… that I had another companion of our size. I wish that he were handsome, half-demon and half-djinn and he must have an inherently gentle nature. I want him to be tall, red and gorgeous. Oh, and he must have exquisite horns, too."

Sanguine closed her eyes and her skin began to glow. Her horns threw sparks and her hair lifted and blew around her face. There was a faint smell of spices and brimstone. She opened her eyes and said, “Did it work?”

"Don’t you know? Can you not tell?" I looked around. "He is not here, but even I could feel that something magic happened."

She frowned. “Well… um… I hate to tell you this but that’s the first time I’ve used the power of the wish.” She seemed somewhat embarrassed. I could see that her skin was still kind of glowy, and as she shook her head her horns were still throwing sparks.

"Is there some part of the process that you’ve missed?" I thought about the spells and incantations I had witnessed and read about. "Do you need to do or say something to make it… work?"

She frowned. “Well, you touched me, and made a wish. I felt the magic begin, and I had a clear picture of what you were wishing for. I felt the magic build within me and it’s still here, burning in my chest. You have let go of my hands, but it’s still here, in my heart.” She looked like she was trying to figure a percentage in her head. “OH!” she exclaimed. “Lila, your wish is granted!” Her voice changed as she said that simple statement and it echoed through the room.

Have you ever felt your ears pop? Have you ever held your breath until you almost passed out and then gulped a new breath? Have you ever struck a balloon with a sharp pin? It was nothing like that, but even less like everything else. For a second, everything was too small and too big at the same time. The universe re-oriented itself and everything was suddenly too quiet.

"What the blazes was THAT?" shouted Ariana. "I know a thing or two about faerie magic, and that was some kind of WYRD magic, wasn’t it?" Ariana and Sanguine had been sharing wigs and talking shop lately. "I smell burning hair. Did you fry my favorite brown wig?!"

"Ariana, be still. We are trying to rescue Sanguine’s brother!" I retorted. "She wasn’t even wearing a brown wig." Those little ones can get uppity if you let them.

Sanguine hugged Ariana to her. “Ari, Lila figured out how to use my magic to bring him here.”

"You used magic? Was it djinn magic or demon magic? What did it feel like? Can you really grant wishes? Can you teach me how?" Ariana was full of questions, so I left the two of them to further discuss the differences in faerie and infernal magics. 

Weeks passed. There was no large red handsome devil on my doorstep, but I could feel a peculiar sensation in my chest. It felt like an elastic string pulling at me from far away. At first I assumed that I simply needed to loosen my stringing, but considering what an effort it is to sit up, that didn’t seem quite right. Besides, Absinthe and I had already been talking about going to the spa together for new elastic, since both of us are feeling a bit… lethargic… lately. But I could still feel something pulling at me, every day. 

I finally asked Sanguine, but she just gave me a very strange look and said, “He is awake. He is coming.” Sometimes I thought I could see marks on her face when she would say that, and I offered her a cleaning sponge but she just looked puzzled. “I know that the magic worked, Lila. I can’t explain how I know, but it is very certain.” I knew what she meant. I could never explain how I feel when the moon is full, or when I run with the strength of the wolf. 

Weeks passed, but the tightness in my chest continued to gain strength. Finally, one day a box arrived, and it was another flurry of packing materials and a faint smell of spices and brimstone. Finally, he came to us and greeted his sister. Their fondness for one another was obvious and they were both delighted to be reunited. “This is Lila, the princess of Werewolf,” she said. “Lila, this is my brother Carmine.”

She’d never told me about his eyes.
I am entirely lost.