11). What do your friends think of your doll/s in general?
They are somewhere between slightly weirded out and not really caring for the most part. I tend to keep my dolls separate from my friends and most of our activities because they're not superbly comfortable with them (my dolls), and I don't feel the need to shove it in their faces. The only exception is conventions, where I tend to always take a doll.
On the other hand I do have some doll friends, some online but a few in person. They obviously enjoy my dolls like they enjoy theirs, so they respond more positively to my dolls.
vessel (n.) 1. a hollow utensil used as a container 2. a person seen as the agent or embodiment, as of a quality
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
30 Day BJD Challenge- Day 10
10). Post a picture of a doll and an animal.
I didn't even have to post this one. I just plopped Uri down and asked Bear to come over, and he rolled right onto Uri's lap.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
30 Day BJD Challenge: Days 8 & 9
Another double up, as these ones go together as well.
8). What is your favorite size?
I touched on this in the last question, but around 60cm is my favorite size. I do like the smaller dolls for their portability, and I enjoy having MSD-sized ones I can tote around with me places. In fact I used to bring one of my MSDs (Nowell) to class with me when I was in college. They are a great size for tucking in a large purse or backpack.
However, I still prefer the larger SD size. SD's are heavier, but in my mind easier to carry. I usually either tuck Uri under my arm, or sit him across my forearm when we go out to conventions and whatnot. He is a little heavy, but not so much so that you'd want to put him down. At least not for me.
9). What is your least favorite size?
I also discussed this in the last one, but I'm going to make this a two-fold answer. Of the standard sizes, I like the tiny the least (i.e. like the PukiPuki I mentioned). That size is cute, but way too small for me. I like to be able to snuggle my dolls a bit, and for them to have some weight to them. Larger sizes are also much easier to sew for in my opinion.
On the other hand, I also don't like the "slim msd" sizes that are available from several companies now. I have owned BBB/RS dolls and Minifees, both of which fall into this size category. Now don't get me wrong, they look awesome. They pose awesome. They are definitely good dolls. But aesthetically and practically speaking I prefer the chubbier MSDs, like Volks. The slim minis were always difficult for me to find clothes for that fit correctly, and I always liked the look of the chubby cheeks and bodies for the larger MSDs.
8). What is your favorite size?
I touched on this in the last question, but around 60cm is my favorite size. I do like the smaller dolls for their portability, and I enjoy having MSD-sized ones I can tote around with me places. In fact I used to bring one of my MSDs (Nowell) to class with me when I was in college. They are a great size for tucking in a large purse or backpack.
However, I still prefer the larger SD size. SD's are heavier, but in my mind easier to carry. I usually either tuck Uri under my arm, or sit him across my forearm when we go out to conventions and whatnot. He is a little heavy, but not so much so that you'd want to put him down. At least not for me.
9). What is your least favorite size?
I also discussed this in the last one, but I'm going to make this a two-fold answer. Of the standard sizes, I like the tiny the least (i.e. like the PukiPuki I mentioned). That size is cute, but way too small for me. I like to be able to snuggle my dolls a bit, and for them to have some weight to them. Larger sizes are also much easier to sew for in my opinion.
On the other hand, I also don't like the "slim msd" sizes that are available from several companies now. I have owned BBB/RS dolls and Minifees, both of which fall into this size category. Now don't get me wrong, they look awesome. They pose awesome. They are definitely good dolls. But aesthetically and practically speaking I prefer the chubbier MSDs, like Volks. The slim minis were always difficult for me to find clothes for that fit correctly, and I always liked the look of the chubby cheeks and bodies for the larger MSDs.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
30 Day BJD Challenge- Days 6 & 7
I'm combining these two days because they go together.
6). Biggest size you own?
The biggest size I currently own is 62cm, which is Uri. I have owned bigger, such as my Soom Chrom who was 65cm+ when wearing his wolf legs. Overally I like the 60cm +/- size the best. Uri is really the perfect size and weight for me to carry around. Any bigger and it becomes a little difficult, smaller and it's not the same.
7). Smallest size you own?
The smallest size I own now is a YoSD size (20-30cm), both in Soom and Volks. I like this size a lot, and it's definitely the smallest I will go. I did own a PukiPuki once, but that was far too small for me. Said doll lasted a few months before I sold it.
6). Biggest size you own?
The biggest size I currently own is 62cm, which is Uri. I have owned bigger, such as my Soom Chrom who was 65cm+ when wearing his wolf legs. Overally I like the 60cm +/- size the best. Uri is really the perfect size and weight for me to carry around. Any bigger and it becomes a little difficult, smaller and it's not the same.
7). Smallest size you own?
The smallest size I own now is a YoSD size (20-30cm), both in Soom and Volks. I like this size a lot, and it's definitely the smallest I will go. I did own a PukiPuki once, but that was far too small for me. Said doll lasted a few months before I sold it.
Mini Convention Post
I took Uri on a last minute adventure to Anime Boston this weekend, and of course I got next to no pictures of the convention. But I did snap a couple of him.
We were sitting in the food court of the convention center here freaking people out (as usual).
Convention swag! There was a doll booth in the artist alley! Milk and Honey was the maker, and the clothes are fantastic quality. A review sometime soon!
After arriving home, a shot of Uri in his new shirt. He looks as tired as I felt.
And a shot of my dog, who wanted to get in on this photo thing. :)
Monday, May 27, 2013
30 Day BJD Challenge- Day 5
5). What/Who was the very first bjd you saw?
Technically the very first dolls I ever saw were some EB Beauty models of Volks. Not exactly the one pictured here as it was a few years ago, but you get the idea. I can't even remember how I had stumbled upon them, but I know it had something to do with deviantART and probably some "Sailor Moon" search. At the time I didn't have the means or the understanding to really figure out what I was looking at, partially because the website was in Japanese. I just knew they were cool, even if I didn't get them.

The next time I encountered a bjd was on a craft forum, and she was a Soom Beryl. I had vague memories of the first dolls I'd seen, but this was so much better in every way. Not long after that I joined Den of Angels, and the rest is sort of history.

The next time I encountered a bjd was on a craft forum, and she was a Soom Beryl. I had vague memories of the first dolls I'd seen, but this was so much better in every way. Not long after that I joined Den of Angels, and the rest is sort of history.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
30 Day BJD Challenge- Day 4
4). What/who was the first bjd you ever owned? Do you still own them?
The first bjd I ever bought was a WS BBB Ju. I don't even have photos of her anymore, but she was pretty. I bought her as a test basically, to see if I liked the bjd hobby. She was shipped from a local business (Denver Doll Emporium) so it didn't take long, and she was inexpensive. I reasoned that if I didn't like it, at least I wasn't investing too much time and money, and I could always sell her later. After her came a BBB Apollo, that was my next step up from her.
In the long run while I liked both dolls (Apollo more so), I really didn't like the dolls' designs. Nothing against BBB or RS as they have both come a long way, but they weren't to my liking. I hadn't really researched posing enough, or even considered other companies enough. Which on one hand I was okay with for the money aspect, but on the other had I done more considering I might still have my original dolls. I eventually sold the Ju after giving her some mods and unfortunately the Apollo's old body was damaged by my puppy (no hurt to the dog!).
After that dolls came and went with a pretty quick frequency, until I got to Uri. Even though he wasn't my actual first doll, I still consider him a "first" because he made such an impact on me. And he is still with me.
The first bjd I ever bought was a WS BBB Ju. I don't even have photos of her anymore, but she was pretty. I bought her as a test basically, to see if I liked the bjd hobby. She was shipped from a local business (Denver Doll Emporium) so it didn't take long, and she was inexpensive. I reasoned that if I didn't like it, at least I wasn't investing too much time and money, and I could always sell her later. After her came a BBB Apollo, that was my next step up from her.
In the long run while I liked both dolls (Apollo more so), I really didn't like the dolls' designs. Nothing against BBB or RS as they have both come a long way, but they weren't to my liking. I hadn't really researched posing enough, or even considered other companies enough. Which on one hand I was okay with for the money aspect, but on the other had I done more considering I might still have my original dolls. I eventually sold the Ju after giving her some mods and unfortunately the Apollo's old body was damaged by my puppy (no hurt to the dog!).
After that dolls came and went with a pretty quick frequency, until I got to Uri. Even though he wasn't my actual first doll, I still consider him a "first" because he made such an impact on me. And he is still with me.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
30 Day BJD Challenge- Day 3
3.) Post a picture of all your dolls!
I unfortunately don't have a recent shot of my guys together as everyone is in one stage of disarray or another, but if you check out the Muses section, you will find shots of just about everyone.
I unfortunately don't have a recent shot of my guys together as everyone is in one stage of disarray or another, but if you check out the Muses section, you will find shots of just about everyone.
Friday, May 24, 2013
30 Day BJD Challenge- Day 2
2). Do you own any? If so how many and if not, do you have any plans at the moment?
I do indeed.
If we're talking active dolls I have four (Uriel, Ghost, Nowell, Fumiko). Inactive dolls I have four as well (Drusilla, Connor, Liam, Faolan). So the total number is at eight.
I do indeed.
If we're talking active dolls I have four (Uriel, Ghost, Nowell, Fumiko). Inactive dolls I have four as well (Drusilla, Connor, Liam, Faolan). So the total number is at eight.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
30 Day BJD Challenge -Day 1
In an effort to post more...here's a thing!
1). Why do you like bjds?
Toys have always been my thing since I was little, though oddly enough not dolls as much. But I've always found them comforting and interesting. Bjds have that same feeling, but they take it a step further with their ability to be customized in every which way. I love art, and the idea that I can have a doll I can repaint, redress, and refashion constantly is extremely attractive.
Admittedly I'm sure some of my love for them also comes from my undying fascination with Japanese culture. The first dolls I ever saw were from Volks, and despite the fact that I had no idea what I was looking at, I couldn't help but see the similarities between them and my beloved manga characters. The aesthetics of many companies, Volks and CP/Luts included come off as very anime-inspired to me.
In the end though, I just get a very wonderful, unique feeling from bjds that I don't from other toys or dolls. Before I ever got a doll I spent a lot of time researching them, and one statement that stood out to me was the notion that these dolls were somehow different. Some posts talked about their being made resin which caused them to hold heat and therefore feel warm (which sounds odd, but I understand it). Others commented on the fact that bjds walk a fine line along the uncanny valley, sometimes veering one way or another. For me it was just the feeling of finding the right doll, and realizes that this was important for me.
1). Why do you like bjds?
Toys have always been my thing since I was little, though oddly enough not dolls as much. But I've always found them comforting and interesting. Bjds have that same feeling, but they take it a step further with their ability to be customized in every which way. I love art, and the idea that I can have a doll I can repaint, redress, and refashion constantly is extremely attractive.
Admittedly I'm sure some of my love for them also comes from my undying fascination with Japanese culture. The first dolls I ever saw were from Volks, and despite the fact that I had no idea what I was looking at, I couldn't help but see the similarities between them and my beloved manga characters. The aesthetics of many companies, Volks and CP/Luts included come off as very anime-inspired to me.
In the end though, I just get a very wonderful, unique feeling from bjds that I don't from other toys or dolls. Before I ever got a doll I spent a lot of time researching them, and one statement that stood out to me was the notion that these dolls were somehow different. Some posts talked about their being made resin which caused them to hold heat and therefore feel warm (which sounds odd, but I understand it). Others commented on the fact that bjds walk a fine line along the uncanny valley, sometimes veering one way or another. For me it was just the feeling of finding the right doll, and realizes that this was important for me.
It's a good thing this blog isn't a living thing, or I'd be charged for neglect. :/
Thankfully my reasons for being away are mostly good. Two very good friends of mine got married, and I was sort of overtaken by wedding prep and parties. There were dress fitting parties, pre-wedding party parties, a day of pampering with the bride, the wedding, pre-honeymoon party, and finally a post wedding party. All of which were very fun, but I kind of pushed everything else to the side for those weeks (month?!).
But I'm back now, though without much to offer up. No new photos of the boys yet, or even any projects. I've been fairly lazy.
The one thing I have been doing is playing and singing a lot of music, both original and cover songs. I actually have a lot written about Uri's storyline, and a little bit about Ghost. But I don't have much of that recorded. Instead have a video of me playing one of the song's on Uri's mix: Sympathy for the Devil!
But I'm back now, though without much to offer up. No new photos of the boys yet, or even any projects. I've been fairly lazy.
The one thing I have been doing is playing and singing a lot of music, both original and cover songs. I actually have a lot written about Uri's storyline, and a little bit about Ghost. But I don't have much of that recorded. Instead have a video of me playing one of the song's on Uri's mix: Sympathy for the Devil!
rolling stones,
sympathy for the devil,
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