Alas Uriel and I were unable to attend the Voltaire concert over the weekend because my dog had some sort of odd, seizure-like episode the morning of the concert. I wasn't about to leave him alone in case he had another bout of it, and unfortunately I had no one to cover. So the three of us spent the day on the couch watching the Firefly marathon. Not exactly a bad day, though it's no Voltaire concert.
That being said, Uri and I *might* go on a trip tomorrow if I can take some time off work. My mother is headed to a Buddhist retreat center for the morning to take a tour of the grounds, and I may tag along with Uri and my camera. They apparently have several beautiful acres with lots of statues and meditation areas. Barring any weather issues, I might actually be able to get some shots of Uri with said statues. I'm not sure why I so desperately want to take pictures of Uri with Buddha, but for some reason as soon as my mother mentioned the trip, I got very excited.
In other Uri news, he now has two new pairs of eyes on the way...eventually. I custom ordered the first pair from Ersa Flora, but I realized seeing her "to do" list that it may be quite some time before they arrive. No problem there, but I really need to have some different eyes for him in the mean time. Somehow I've ended up with a lot of 14mm and 16mm eyes, but nothing in 18mm. So Uri is making do with some eyes that are just a tad bit too small, and leave strange gaps in person.
As such I ordered him a pair of the eyes pictured above. Some Mint on Card Inc glass ones in a pretty red-orange mix. I *love* MoC's glass eyes. They are relatively inexpensive, ship quickly (and from the US!), and are of great quality. I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking for a cheaper glass eye cost wise. They are even starting to branch out into some interesting ones with lines of color swirled into the pupil, and in my opinion they look just as good as some of the Volks ones.
Aside from that, not much has gone on in doll land. Still waiting on some long-term commissions for Uriel, as well as looking for more time to complete the outfit I posted a teaser of yesterday. I need more fabric among other things, but it's been hard to find just what I'm looking for. To the thrift store!