Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mini Updates: Not much going on.

Things have been pretty quiet here in the land of dolls, mostly because I've been busy doing so many other things. 

I found a nice new apartment that I will be moving into next week, and I'm desperately trying to sort through my stuff.  A big part of me wants to throw most of it away, but I'm trying to pace myself a bit.  My doll collection will definitely be going through some changes due to this move as well.  I will be storing some, those that I couldn't imagine getting rid of, but I think Uri will be the only one out full time.  I will probably be looking to sell a few too, so I'll keep this blog updated as I make that decision.

Not much is really new with the dolls, though I really do have every intention of working on some clothes for Uri as soon as I can find the time.  I have fabric set aside, I just have been engrossed more in my music projects lately than doll projects.  I am however using Uri as a base for some song writing.  I am so in love with his story, and it feels like such second nature to me that I decided writing about it would be a good exercise.  We'll see how that goes...

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