I mentioned that I had bought Connor his very own Saints coat, as part of his cosplay/character. It's adorable, I must say. :)
Next we have a project I've been working on for a while, but haven't taken any real pictures of until today. It's a doll case that was made primarily for Gabe, but Connor looks cute in just about anything. ;)
The box itself is a sort of mini wooden suitcase from Hobby Lobby. I loved the outside design so much that I grabbed it without having a really solid plan of what it might become.
Then I realized it would make a great, steampunk-esque doll case. Specifically I was making it for Gabe (Volks SDC Arashi), who is supposed to be a vampire with the adorable habit of sleeping in a very large piece of luggage. Not because he has to, but because it is safer for a vampire to sleep in something during the day, and this was what happened to be around at the time. He took a liking to it and never let it go.
I bought some Victorian style scrapbook paper and used that as a background for the box (previously it was unfinished wood), and then glued various things on top of it. Here you can see his framed Nosferatu picture, a snipped from the Dance of Death, a planetary diagram, a flattened/imprinted penny, and the beginnings of a world map. These images were just printed on some stationary paper I had, and then ripped out to give them worn edges.
More posters here, and you can see the full extent of the world map at the bottom. There are also Clash and Dropkick Murphy's posters on top.
Even more posters! I printed out a diagram of Firefly's ship Serenity for kicks, a tiny version of "Lunch on a Skyscraper," and a miniature Voltaire poster from a show that was on my birthday. On the bottom there is a picture of a Davinci sketch.
Just one last bit of detail here, I included a Fleur de Lis, as well as some miniature Mardi Gras bead.
Connor says goodbye and thanks for looking!
It's not completely finished yet, but it's done enough to post some pictures of.