To tide everyone over until my pony post becomes a reality, I'm doing a small review of a new doll I just got today... a Tippy Thumbelina Lalaloopsy! I've been eyeing her for a few weeks now, and finally decided to get her this evening.
First thing I have to talk about is the packaging... While it looks great on the shelf and is adorable with its background and cute little handle, it is an absolute nightmare. It took me, an adult with a knife, nearly thirty minutes to get her out. There are so many pieces of plastic and ties...it was ridiculous. She even had plastic under her stockings.
That aside, she's fantastic! I love her outfit, which is part of what drew me to her in the first place. It's surprisingly well made too. I like her face quite a bit, though her hair is a little blah (too similar to other Lalaloopsies). The little stars on her cheek are very cute. And her shoes, those little slippers are so adorable!
The Loopsies all have cute little profiles and small back stories on the website, which is as colorful and fun as the girls. Tippy was made from a ballerina's tutu and loves being on stage even "if she falls off it every once in a while." She was "born" on February 2, which coincidentally is Imbolc, a pagan holiday I celebrate every year. So overall she was my favorite choice of the bunch.
Loopsies aren't really posing dolls as they are very floppy and can't stand without serious support, but they are very photogenic. I'll replace the stock photo above with my own tomorrow (yay day off!). I may even end up repainting my Loopsie, who is now called Tallulah (or alternately Talula as I haven't decided yet). More from her soon!
I adore these dolls - my Sprog got two for Giftmas, and I'm itching to steal and repaint one of them!