I've been listening to that Stones' tune almost not stop lately, courtesy of a good Criminal Minds episode. In doing so I've decided that it is to be added to Uri's "soundtrack." I used to have a section on my old blog featuring music that helped inspire or was embodied by my dolls. Uri is no exception, though his mix tape isn't as expansive as it could be. Thus far we have:
"Sympathy for the Devil" The Rolling Stones
I think the meaning of this one's kind of obvious lol.
"Love the Way You Lie Part II" Rihanna
I liked part I of this song, but not nearly as much as the second part. As soon as I heard the first verse I knew it was perfect:
On the first page of our story
the future seemed so bright
Then this thing turned out so evil
I don't know why I'm still surprised
Even angels have their wicked schemes
and you take that to new extremes
But you'll always be my hero
even though you've lost your mind
"Nailed" Hedwig Soundtrack (sorry no link!)
In itself the movie is a pretty "Uri" sort of thing (cross dressing man from over the Berlin wall, fantastic costumes and music). However this song has always been one of my favorites and seems like something Uriel would like. It's got a lot of religious imagery spliced in with sexuality, which is perfectly Uri.
Speaking of Uri, I decided to remove his hand and foot paint today so that I could snuggle with him worry free. I love the way it looked, but it was getting everywhere (scratching off on his limbs) and kept me from playing with him as I used to. So I took it off, and surprisingly even the dye came out just like that. Maybe I'll redo it someday, but that's the beauty of these vessels, they can be created and remade over and over again. :)