I posted about this in the Supernatural Dolls thread, but I hadn't included it here. I thought it would be interesting to continue the "Haunted Vessel" features as appropriate, and this seems like the right time. :) Cross posted from that thread:
I just received my very first Puki, who is the mini version of another doll of mine (my CP El). I've written a bit about Uri Greater here, but it seems Uri Minor is already asking to be included!
There is a "constant guest" at my boyfriend's house so to speak who may be one of the previous owners of the land or a wandering spirit from the nearby graveyard. Either way, he tends to be overly active around me because he knows I know he's there. At the end of last year it got rather intense, and since then I've been taking steps to sort of ignore him. I make a distinction between my space and his, and refuse to let him grab my attention when I'm just not in the mood.
So it's been quite some time since he's been able to rattle me, until this morning. I was sitting in bed relaxing after waking up, and suddenly started to feel my energy draining away. It was almost akin to blacking out, and by the end I did actually. I couldn't move I felt so completely dead, and so I just lay there. As a note, ghosts can be huge energy suckers when they attempt to manifest, which is what I felt this was. Suddenly I heard a tiny, little voice say my name. The only other person in the house was my boyfriend's father (not a tiny-voiced man), and I knew it wasn't him. With that though I was able to shake off what was happening and get up. When I looked over to where the voice had come from I saw my little Mini Uri and put two and two together.
Big Uri is kind of famous for his "don't touch my girl" attitude, and it seems little Uri is no exception.
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