Monday, January 27, 2014

Package #1

Update, kind of.

Nothing major to report, I've been so caught up in work lately that I've been falling asleep pretty much as soon as I get home.  Which unfortunately doesn't leave much time for doll work.

But!  I did a little shopping for Gabe last week, so we should have some nice arrival photos coming up.  I found some neat Ersa Flora eyes for him from a DoA seller.  I love Ersa Flora eyes, and these ones are really brilliant.  Kind of a bright purple and red, which sounds strange but it looks lovely.  He also got a new wig and a few pairs of pants, both of which should be arriving today.  I'm not sure when the eyes will arrive, but hopefully it will be not long after.

I also removed his face up yet again, and I'm just letting him be for now.  I haven't really had the time/energy to re-do it anyway, and I can't help but enjoy him blank.  He's such a strange little fellow like that.  He works well blank, and even more loosely strung than I normally like my dolls.  He's like a resin rag doll, and he falls into the most natural positions all by himself.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Liam came to work with me again today, he fits so perfectly in my purse!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I decided to take Liam to work today, and he's snuggled up in my big fuzzy hat. I have been wanting to take a doll with me lately, but most of my boys are too big for where I work now. I really need to have someone small enough to tuck away so he's invisible, and Liam is just the right size.  Now I just need to find where I put his clothes! I packed everything up when I moved, so well that now I can't find a lot of things. But I know they're safe, somewhere...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

End of the year doll meme!

1. How long have you been in the BJD hobby?
It will be five years as of this March, which is kind of crazy.
2. How many dolls do you have at home?Six.
3. What are their names and sculpts?
Uri- Delf El
Ghost/Emmanuel- Volks F-10
Gabriel- Volks SDC Arashi (trying out that name again, we'll see...)
Nowell- Volks MSD F-17
Liam- Volks YoSD Yuki
Fumiko-Volks DDdy H04
4. Which doll have you had the longest? How long has it beenUriel is the longest currently, and he has been here for three years.
5. Which doll is your favourite?That is a very hard question. Uri will always have a very special place in my heart because of being my "first" (aka the first I really, really connected with), but at the same time I really love my Volks dolls. I think it tends to change and cycle through.
6. Are you waiting on any dolls now? If yes, which one(s)? No, thank god. No more dolls for Kat.
7. What is your grail doll?
At this point I would say a Volks Megu or a Saint, but I'm really not looking to obtain any more dolls.
8. Did you learn to do something new because of this hobby? (e.g. photography, painting, sewing). Small-scale sewing, modding (epoxy work), sanding, respiratory protection, wig making, eye making, painting, some sculpting, etc.
9. Have you made any friends you might otherwise not have because of this hobby?Yes, absolutely. I love my friends from the local meet, they are awesome!
10. What are your doll plans for this coming year?
Good question! Definitely no more dolls, but I would like to continue to develop the ones I have. I would really, really, really like to figure my Arashi out, if at all possible. We'll see though..