vessel (n.) 1. a hollow utensil used as a container 2. a person seen as the agent or embodiment, as of a quality
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Arashi has always been a doll in flux. Since the moment I got him, I've been trying to figure out just who he is. Even a name had escaped me. He's gone through more variations than any other doll I have, and that's saying something.
And yet, I have never sold or traded him. I've considered it briefly from time to time, but it's never gotten beyond the maybe stage. As soon as I look at him, I know he is mine. Regardless of who he is.
I admittedly gave up for a while. I tucked him away in the "inactive" storage, and just focused on Uri. But I miss having a smaller doll. I really like taking dolls places in day to day life, and Uri isn't always advisable. Plus, Arashi is fantastically constructed. He's amazing in design and a great poser. I just don't know who he is.
So I'm going to try again and see what happens. Maybe he'll tell me his name this time. Maybe not. But it can't hurt to ask.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
Long posting lag is looooong.
So far I have at least one costume done, another mostly together, and a third in the planning stages. As for Uri, I have probably one done, and two in planning. If all goes well I'll be putting together another this evening. So no pictures of his thus far, but I do have one of mine. Here's a crappy shot of my Kaylee Frye costume from Firefly.
I also recently found some beautiful vintage dresses at a thrift store, and I think I'm going to use one for another costume with Uri. It's long and flowing and white, so I think I'm going to go as a bride of Dracula, or perhaps his victim. I'll need bite marks for me, and perhaps fangs. And Uri will have to be nicely dressed up. Perhaps without his wig (Nosferatu ftw). But that is still in the planning stages. So there is more to come!
And since it's almost October, it's just about time for the Haunted Vessel posts. This year I'd like to open up the floor to anyone who has had a paranormal experience with their dolls, or really any toys (or objects if you like). Feel free to submit your story to me via comment, or if it's particularly long I can give you an e-mail. I am also happy to accept stories and post them anonymously, so your name doesn't need to be on it.