Thankfully things have quieted down, but it's been a rather tumultuous and crazy time since I last blogged. Went on a mini vacation, came home to drama, moving to a new apartment, more drama, and finally SNOW. Yes, all in caps, if you could see how much snow we're getting you'd understand.
As such the doll fun has been left behind a bit while real world concerns take over. I did however finally name my new boy, though it was quite the process. I went back and forth on several names since I got him, none of which seemed to fit him right. And then I wrote something about how he was a ghost haunting me without a name...And so Ghost it was. :)
He definitely needs a new wig, preferably in white as that seems like what he wants to dress in. And some kind of new face up. I wiped him this week thinking I was going to do something new and different, but for some strange reason I really like him blank. Isn't that always the case with my Volks dolls? But it really seems to work well with his pale eyes and pale outfits/hair. We'll see, if I can find a way to do a very simple face up that I like, I may put a little color in there.
For now here's a shot of him in the mori outfit I made for Uri a while back. Uri really isn't a white clothing kind of guy, though he indulges me from time to time. But Ghost really works well in it, so I think we've found his style.
No wig, though more often than not I seem to be keeping him around without one. I'm thinking I might just make him a cute knitted hat for the time being.