Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Be that way. :P

So My little Arashi is going back to being just...well Arashi. Despite the name seeming to fit earlier, it just doesn't. So because I can't seem to find a name that we "agree" on, I think we'll stick with his sculpt name for now.


A little non-doll update just because it's fun...I got my septum pierced. :) It's a piercing I've wanted for a while, but just hadn't done. Well no more! It's funny to me that because it's so easy to hide. Currently it's flipped up until I get the courage to take it down (ouch!), but no one even notices anything which is nice. Now I'll be the girl with tons of tattoos and a facial piercing no one can see.

In doll news, I'm working on ordering Arashi some new wigs. I contacted my favorite wig maker, Elena at Spite & Malice wigs for some fantastically colored hair. I'm hoping to get one in orange and another in turquoise and neon green.

I've also started working on Arashi's Steampunk costume for our local convention. It's not for a few more months, but I'm trying to get ideas together now and see what I want him to dress as. Thus far I've considered purchasing him an outfit from MoC, which is nice but a bit pricey. I've also looking into having him wear the MSD size overalls I have with a ton of accessories, funky boots, and his new sweater coat when it comes in. We'll see!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Crappy picture is crappy!

But he's just so darn cute! Still Sirius, though not in his Sirius wig. I have a feeling that he might just keep bits of the character and I'm already planning out multicolored wigs...

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Doll Lol

One more funny story about my boyfriend and my dolls.

We had just pulled into his house, and were getting things together to get out of the car. I had Sirius in my arms and was grabbing my purse. At the same time we were listening to the end of a song wherein the lead singer says "let's go" to his band mates. I knew this because I've heard the song probably a hundred times. My boyfriend apparently did not.

He hears the "let's go" and freezes, with this look of utter horror on his face. I can't even describe the look other than to say it was pure terror. He turns to me and said "What the hell was that?!" To which I ask "What?" He then says, "I thought your doll just talked to me!"

He had heard the words and thought my doll said them, and proceeded to have a near coronary. He informed me that if any of my dolls ever talked, he would be hightailing it out of there so fast I wouldn't even see the dust cloud.

Granted Sirius, being the Marauder he is, had a mischievous look on his face... :D

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Sirius' leather pants and New Rock boots came in yesterday, and I couldn't be happier. They are perfect, both in fit and suitability. I feel the need to buy stock in small leather pants now...

I did buy him some new glass eyes and some boxers today. The eyes because his are just too small to position correctly. I found a lovely pair of gray glass ones on Denverdoll that were perfect. The boxers just sort of happened. :P I wasn't really intending to buy him more clothes until the weekend, but I saw them in pink and teal (with black stripes) and I couldn't resist. Plus he'll look so good in them.

It's actually quite fun having an established character for a doll, a new experience for me but definitely fun. Granted I think I've tweaked him ever so little, though he's still essentially Sirius from the books. I preferred that one over movie Sirius, although I do love Gary Oldman. He just wasn't quite how I'd pictured Sirius, so I consider them two separate things.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


It seems that my little Arashi has picked his name and character, though it was not one I'd even considered. It's funny when a doll blindsides you like that. :P

Deciding on a doll name (for me) is a process where several different factors come into play. There's the doll's character if they have one (and you know what it is), their physical attributes, their personality, their nationality, and their preference. I don't mean that the doll stands up and says, "Hey, I'd like to be called Jimmy if that's okay." However, it is easy to see if the name fits or not.

Last night I was toting Arashi around on my errands, and my boyfriend mentioned something about Sirius Black from the Harry Potter novels. I'd previously joked that I wanted to have my license plate be "SIRIUS" since my car is black, and we'd found a car that had that exact plate. So I had that in mind when I was fiddling with Arashi's wig (haircut time!) and fixing his eyes. Suddenly I looked at him and realized he resembled a young Sirius Black quite closely, complete with grey eyes and all. Sirius is one of my favorite characters from the HP series, second only to the Weasley Twins.

So my little Arashi has been christened Sirius Black III, in his teenage form. Which I might add is quite perfect for the rough character outline I'd had before. Not to mention how ironic it is seeing as the money I used to purchase him was initially going to go to a HP tattoo... Funny dolls with their own agendas. :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Face Up #3

As much as I love Volks dolls in just about every other way, I don't think I'll ever get over how difficult they are to paint! It's something about their eyes, either the shapes or the way the lids are sculpted...either way it's frustrating. However, I persevered and re-painted Arashi last night and I'm really happy with this go. I tried to mimic his original make up and aside from some slightly silly eyebrows, I think it looks okay.

The eyes are still a little too small (although lovely), so I will be replacing those as soon as his defaults come in. :)

Funny doll moment with my boyfriend.

My boyfriend doesn’t like my dolls. He’s not flat out doll hating, but he avoids being involved with them when he can.

Last Saturday we were out all day shopping after I got out of work, and by the time I got home I was exhausted. I made it as far as curling up on his bed with my new little Arashi and his dog, before falling asleep. He woke me up at one point to make the bed and get me into pj’s and the following hilarity ensued.

He helps me get dressed and then says that “The doll has to go though.” Fair enough, he picks up Arashi and goes to put him somewhere. Now my boyfriend almost never touches a doll if he can help it, so this in and of itself was funny. So he takes Arashi and we go through the usual game of “where should I put the doll?” Outside? Maybe in the drop ceiling? How about it that box over there? And so on and so forth. Eventually he found a place to put Arashi, and went to set him down.

Suddenly I hear this man shriek and my boyfriend jumps back. “Ack, it moved by itself!” Arashi is pretty tightly strung and SDCs can be very kicky, but still this amused me. Not so much my boyfriend. :P

Monday, January 9, 2012

What's in a name?

I'm still working on finding the right name for my new boy. Initially I had liked Aiden James, but now that he's here I don't think that fits. So far I've considered Willow, David, and Michael; but I'm still looking. I think Willow is the favorite as I was looking for something a little more"abstract" name-wise.

Monday, January 2, 2012

New doll!

Well I did exactly what I had planned not to... I had some money set aside from Christmas and selling my junky old car, specifically to get a new tattoo done. However, when I started looking at which design to get next, I just couldn't decide. Nothing really "hit" me like I prefer tattoos to do before I got to get them.

Then I made the "mistake" of looking at the DoA marketplace. Dolly karma struck in an oddly perfect way, and I found a Volks SDC Arashi just within my price range. Arashi is one of my favorite Volks sculpts, and I've always loved his expressive and more mature SDC body. However I'd resigned myself to lust from afar, as not many people ever want to give up these lovely little guys. Imagine my surprise when I saw one on the marketplace! I pmed the seller planning to think it over first, but he was just too adorable not to do it.

I felt I had to be a little responsible though, so I did pay off a loan before sending the fund over for him. That's my adult showing. ;P

So my very own Arashi will be heading my way tomorrow, and I'm very excited! I've got a tentative name picked out for him that just sort of popped into my head: "Aiden James." Not sure why, but it did. I also bought him a pair of leather pants and some New Rock esque boots with red flames. Despite his sweet smile, I've always pictured Arashi as a little rocker; probably due to Jennynemesis' Rowan. :)

Since my bf got a lovely Nikon for Christmas, I'm even hoping to have a guest photographer for the box opening which would be a first. Stay tuned!