In an effort to post more often, I've decided to do some more "Dolly Talk" segments. The questions come from various sources, this particular one being from DoA's "Dolly Debate" section. I don't generally post there owing to my "no politics or religion" policy on most sites, however I don't mind posting on my own blog.
This question discusses owners who only buy dolls of one sex exclusively. While I currently do own two female bjds and other female dolls, I do still seem to fit into this category somewhat.
Do you only buy one sex of doll? Why do/don't you? Yes, and no. I do have a few female dolls, but males win out with an overwhelming majority. Not only in number, but also in use as well. While the male dolls are frequently out and about, the female dolls are more "cabinet babies."
Personally, I like male dolls better. Female dolls are lovely, and there are a few I think about purchasing, but in the end I always stick with the boys. As odd as it sounds, I find female dolls a little too standoffish. I can bond more easily with male dolls, and we seem to "get along" better. Strangely enough, this isn't a new phenomenon with me. Since I was a little girl I've always preferred male toys. I can count on one hand the number of female toys I had as a child. I guess I just like guys better.
If you do, would you ever consider buying the opposite gender of doll? I have at times considered it, even buying some female dolls in the past. Now though, I think consideration is the farthest it will ever get. In all cases with the female bjds I have, they just don't get enough attention, or weren't kept for very long. I sold Echo, my first, traded Orla (though her character remains), and currently don't do much with Az or Dru.
The only exceptions to this might be a Luts Delf girl or a Volks SD girl. I've considered both in the past and they continue to tempt me, but for now I'm all set.
Does the sex of a doll make them more appealing to you? Another yes and no answer. Obviously as I prefer boys I tend to find them more appealing, however the gender line is a little (a lot?) blurry with bjds. A "male" scuplt can look very feminine, or visa versa. My El is a male scuplt, but Els are notorious for looking female. So I don't think the stated gender of the doll matters as much as one's perception. For example I once saw a Soom Beryl boy that just blew me away, and so despite being a female sculpt I considered getting her to make a boy.
Would you ever buy a head of the opposite sex to use on the doll? See above. Yes, I have considered it quite a bit, mostly with Uri. I've though about getting him a or some Delf female heads (primarily a Juri) to represent his more feminine aspects.